I have windows server 2003 SP1 and reverted it back to non-SP1. MS Fax no longer works so I re-installed through Add/Remove Progs - Add Windows Components. Installation went through but as soon as the installation finishes, fax won't still work. Having an error of a certain CLSID with name unknown. I have tried to search for solutions and one was to register the dll of the fax service using regsvr32 *.dll command from a know fax dll. (e.g. fxsadmin.dll) The solution still didnt fix the problem.
I am planning to reinstall the whole OS but it would be very tedious because i need to reconfigure and reinstall the programs. Is there any other ways to fix this? through registry probably?
I am planning to reinstall the whole OS but it would be very tedious because i need to reconfigure and reinstall the programs. Is there any other ways to fix this? through registry probably?