Nathan Goldberg
I'm receiving an error message: "The message could not be sent" on the first
line and "The system cannot open the file" on the second line when I put a
bunch of phone numbers in the "to" field. It is strange because if I don't
send any faxes for an hour or so I can put 20 numbers in, but I can only put
one or two in after I've put in the 20. I'm wondering why I'm getting that
error message. I'm not sure what "file" the Windows Fax and Scan dialog box
is referring to. The file I'm trying to fax is a PDF, but as I mentioned if
I only send it to a few people it works ok from time to time. Other times it
only lets me send one or two numbers.
line and "The system cannot open the file" on the second line when I put a
bunch of phone numbers in the "to" field. It is strange because if I don't
send any faxes for an hour or so I can put 20 numbers in, but I can only put
one or two in after I've put in the 20. I'm wondering why I'm getting that
error message. I'm not sure what "file" the Windows Fax and Scan dialog box
is referring to. The file I'm trying to fax is a PDF, but as I mentioned if
I only send it to a few people it works ok from time to time. Other times it
only lets me send one or two numbers.