windows explorer



When I click on the windows explorer tab 'my documents' comes up instead and
I can't find windows explorer anywhere on my computer. Can anyone tell me
how to get into windows explorer?

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Start / All Programs / Accessories / Windows Explorer. Right click the shortcut and select "Pin to start menu" to keep it handy.

Ken Blake, MVP

tena38024 said:
When I click on the windows explorer tab 'my documents' comes up
instead and I can't find windows explorer anywhere on my computer.
Can anyone tell me how to get into windows explorer?

You're in it. My Documents and My Computer are simply particular views of
Windows Explorer.

Try holding down the CTRL key and pressing E.


I click start, all programs, accessories and click on windows explorer, then
my documents window opens.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

The My Documents folder is in Windows Explorer. This is what you are seeing.

If you want a different view when you open Windows Explorer, do this.

First, click Start/All Programs/Accessories. Right Click the Windows Explorer item and select "Pin to start menu". This will place a shortcut to Windows Explorer on the Start Menu.

Click the Start Button again, you will now see the shortcut to Windows Explorer. Right Click Windows Explorer and select Properties from the menu. Click the Shortcut Tab. Enter the following in the Target Line:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,

(Make sure you include the space and the comma)

Click Apply/OK.

Now, select Start and click the Windows Explorer link.

Is this what you were looking for?


Thank you all.. I've just never seen windows explorer open this way. But I
saw everything in there including the cookies file and temp files. Thanks
again. :)

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