windows explorer


Matt Wilder

When I right click the start button then select "explore" my Windows
Explorer opens as it should however I am annoyed at the fact that it
automatically expands my C: Drive into documents and settings/myfolder/start

How do I stop this. I want my Windows Explorer to open and not expand any
of my drives or folders.


Jeremy Winston

Matt said:
Jeremy wrote in news:[email protected]...
Matt said:
I want my Windows Explorer to open and not expand any of my drives or folders.

I have no idea what the information in that links means...any chance someone
could translate this from computer code to plain English??
I need the GUI solution

Create a new shortcut (right-click on your desktop, New-->Shortcut).
Explorer /e,/select,C:\
in the textbox, and click the Next button.
in the textbox, and click the Finish button.
Move the shortcut from your desktop to wherever you find it most convenient.

Works for me; YMMV.

Matt Wilder

It seems the quickest route to get the result I want is to hit the windows
key + E

Someone in the new_user group suggested this...though I would like this
exact result with a mouse click...any ideas.

double clicking My Computer gets me almost there, but the folders explorer
bar then has to be manually opened, whereas when I key in Windows Key + E, I
get exactly what I want.


Jeremy Winston said:
Matt said:
Jeremy wrote in news:[email protected]...
Matt Wilder wrote:
I want my Windows Explorer to open and not expand any of my drives or folders.

I have no idea what the information in that links means...any chance someone
could translate this from computer code to plain English??
I need the GUI solution

Create a new shortcut (right-click on your desktop, New-->Shortcut).
Explorer /e,/select,C:\
in the textbox, and click the Next button.
in the textbox, and click the Finish button.
Move the shortcut from your desktop to wherever you find it most convenient.

Works for me; YMMV.

Jeremy Winston

Matt said:
It seems the quickest route to get the result I want is to hit the windows
key + E

Someone in the new_user group suggested this...though I would like this
exact result with a mouse click...any ideas.

Good $DEITY, man!

How lazy can you possibly get?!

I gave you directions to create a shortcut that would do what you want.
It would require two clicks instead of one, but come *on*! you can't be
that lacking in energy.

Here: I've attached a .zip of the shortcut. You should be able to unzip
it and use it as is.

Jeremy Winston

Jeremy said:
Matt said:
the quickest route to get the result I want is to hit Winkey-E
Someone in the new_user group suggested this...though I would like this
exact result with a mouse click...any ideas.
I gave you directions to create a shortcut that would do what you want.
It would require two clicks instead of one

Actually, if you have the QuickLaunch toolbar enabled, you can drag the
shortcut to it and then you'll have your single-click.


Matt Wilder

No need to rude. I typed in the shortcut code you gave me and it wasn't the
same result...sorry I just want it to work efficiently...If windows is
supposed to be so user friendly then I expect it to work that way...I was
not asking for something extremely difficult.

Thanks for the zipped shortcut, that is exactly what I was looking for.

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