In xp home windows explorer polls my network before opening - same
applies to all explorer-based operations. This results in delays in
opening the explorer window.
If I disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP then I get instant screen response
from xplorer but, of course, I can no longer access other computers on
the network.
Is there a simple xp fix that I'm missing here that will allow me to
have my cake and eat it?
If I don't get a response from this ng, I'll go to the network ng but
I've started here because, in the past, I've found the network ng to
be rather unresponsive on basic issues.
applies to all explorer-based operations. This results in delays in
opening the explorer window.
If I disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP then I get instant screen response
from xplorer but, of course, I can no longer access other computers on
the network.
Is there a simple xp fix that I'm missing here that will allow me to
have my cake and eat it?
If I don't get a response from this ng, I'll go to the network ng but
I've started here because, in the past, I've found the network ng to
be rather unresponsive on basic issues.