Rev. Bob 'Bob' Crispen
Windows Explorer is driving me mad!
I've got at 4 ways I invoke it:
(a) From the quick start bar, invoked by
"C:\Documents and Settings\Bob Crispen\My Documents"
That's my "My Documents" link, with folders turned off (the default).
(b) From the quick start bar, invoked by
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
That's my "My Computer" sort of link, with the folders turned on.
(c) From double-clicking the Recycle Bin.
(d) From double-clicking a compressed file.
Explorer is set up to stay in the same window and not spawn new
instances for every folder change.
I've set up (a) and (b) to give me a window that's located around the
center of the page, with room for 6 icons in the default (icon) view
on the right-hand pane. I did this by following the advice I read
here: setting up the window the way I want it and then using
That's perfectly fine, as long as I never look inside the Recycle Bin
or inside a compressed folder!
Whenever I invoke Explorer via (c) or (d), I invariably get a window
that's oriented toward the upper left of the screen, and has room for
7 icons in the right-hand pane.
Once I've done either (c) or (d), before long -- I wish I could be
more definite, but it creeps up on you -- the location and size of
the window (too big and too far up and left) that seems to be a
system default has infected the Explorer windows invoked by (a) and
(b) too.
Setting the recyle bin window using File/Close doesn't last very
long. And since Windows can't be made to open compressed folders by
keeping the same Explorer window, I have to set each one, one at a
time. Something is always knocking it back to the default. Perhaps
it's because I leave the "My Computer" and "My Documents" style of
views up longer, while I only open the recycle bin long enough to
glance at its contents and I do that quite often.
This is driving me nuts, and I'd admit defeat and roll over and use
the Explorer window the system wants to give me if it didn't look
like crap. Help!!!
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
bob at crispen dot org
Ex Cathedra weblog: http://blog.crispen.org/
As I sat on death row for shooting the sheriff, I reflected on the
drawbacks of hiring an attorney who went to law school in Jamaica. -
after Bob Van Voris
I've got at 4 ways I invoke it:
(a) From the quick start bar, invoked by
"C:\Documents and Settings\Bob Crispen\My Documents"
That's my "My Documents" link, with folders turned off (the default).
(b) From the quick start bar, invoked by
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
That's my "My Computer" sort of link, with the folders turned on.
(c) From double-clicking the Recycle Bin.
(d) From double-clicking a compressed file.
Explorer is set up to stay in the same window and not spawn new
instances for every folder change.
I've set up (a) and (b) to give me a window that's located around the
center of the page, with room for 6 icons in the default (icon) view
on the right-hand pane. I did this by following the advice I read
here: setting up the window the way I want it and then using
That's perfectly fine, as long as I never look inside the Recycle Bin
or inside a compressed folder!
Whenever I invoke Explorer via (c) or (d), I invariably get a window
that's oriented toward the upper left of the screen, and has room for
7 icons in the right-hand pane.
Once I've done either (c) or (d), before long -- I wish I could be
more definite, but it creeps up on you -- the location and size of
the window (too big and too far up and left) that seems to be a
system default has infected the Explorer windows invoked by (a) and
(b) too.
Setting the recyle bin window using File/Close doesn't last very
long. And since Windows can't be made to open compressed folders by
keeping the same Explorer window, I have to set each one, one at a
time. Something is always knocking it back to the default. Perhaps
it's because I leave the "My Computer" and "My Documents" style of
views up longer, while I only open the recycle bin long enough to
glance at its contents and I do that quite often.
This is driving me nuts, and I'd admit defeat and roll over and use
the Explorer window the system wants to give me if it didn't look
like crap. Help!!!
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
bob at crispen dot org
Ex Cathedra weblog: http://blog.crispen.org/
As I sat on death row for shooting the sheriff, I reflected on the
drawbacks of hiring an attorney who went to law school in Jamaica. -
after Bob Van Voris