Harry Wenger
In the default WE view I have My Documents and all the sub-folders in it.
Under My Computer C:/ I have Documents and Settings/Harry's documents/my
This is an exact duplicate of My Documents. Any doc. I create goes into
both. Any doc. I delete in Harry's docs. also deletes the file in My
Questions: Is it supposed to be this way? Does this double the amount of
space used on my hard drive?
If not, then how can I change it?
Thanks for any help.
Harry Wenger
Under My Computer C:/ I have Documents and Settings/Harry's documents/my
This is an exact duplicate of My Documents. Any doc. I create goes into
both. Any doc. I delete in Harry's docs. also deletes the file in My
Questions: Is it supposed to be this way? Does this double the amount of
space used on my hard drive?
If not, then how can I change it?
Thanks for any help.
Harry Wenger