You did use the '/i' switch in the command, didn't you? I'm just double-checking because in my
testing of manually deleting the column handlers, 'regsvr32 shell32.dll' did not fix the problem,
but 'regsvr32 /i shell32.dll' did.
Here are the associated registry entries, check to see if they exist. The binary (hex(2)
are all the same, they should read "%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll" when viewed from RegEdit.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Good Luck,
Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Hi Kieth,
Thanks for your reply.
I tried the command and it completed successfully, but nothing has changed -
I am still missing the options for eg. Picture Dimensions, Bit Rate, etc. in
the Details view.
Any other ideas?
I'm a software engineer by trade, too - so you can be as techy in your
suggestions as you like
Try the following:
'Start' -> 'Run' -> regsvr32 /i shell32.dll
Good Luck,
Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Once upon a time, if I were in a folder full of MP3s I could change to
"Details" view and then right-click the columns (or use the "View" menu to
"Choose Details...") and choose columns to show and sort on a file's bit
rate, duration, author etc.
Now for some reason I no longer get all of the possibilities, just a minimum
of 9 options (Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, Date Created, Date Accessed,
Attributes, Status & Owner) and no more. There should be about 28! Where are
they? Can I restore them?
I have tried sfc, System Restore, a reinstall of SP2, replacing shell32.dll,
explorer.exe and themeui.dll from another XP installation, but nothing seems
to help. I tried installing a new shell extension to add a custom column and
that worked, so it just seems as if all the enhancements above the default
are missing or not getting registered. I have tried using umpteen tools to
try and locate the problem. But I'm stumped, and now I turning to the experts
- can anyone help?