Windows explorer and shortcuts



system=Windows XP pro (no sp2)

When I open windows explorer. It opens on `My Documents'.
How can I make it open somewhere else?

Right click and properties shows `Start in' box is set to:
Changing it to something like C:\work, has no effect.

Can one pass a cmdline argument in the properties dialog?

A related problem is that after creating my own shortcut at
C:\download. And giving it the Key combo of Ctrl-SHIFT-x, it comes up
at that address when I press those keys alright but its always in the
non-folders view. That is, the left panel is useless crude with
link selections instead of the filesystem tree. I have to click on
`folders' in menu bar to get the view I want.

How can I cause this to open with `folder' view active?

`Tools/folder options/view set all folders like this one'

Has no effect on whether the display is folders or not.

Ramesh [MVP]

Explorer.exe Command-Line Options for Windows XP:

For the 2nd part:

Open My Computer window.
Click Tools, Folder Options, then click File Types.
From the list, locate the entry FOLDER with extension of (NONE).
Click Advanced, select Explore, then Set Default.
Click OK and close the dialog.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

system=Windows XP pro (no sp2)

When I open windows explorer. It opens on `My Documents'.
How can I make it open somewhere else?

Right click and properties shows `Start in' box is set to:
Changing it to something like C:\work, has no effect.

Can one pass a cmdline argument in the properties dialog?

A related problem is that after creating my own shortcut at
C:\download. And giving it the Key combo of Ctrl-SHIFT-x, it comes up
at that address when I press those keys alright but its always in the
non-folders view. That is, the left panel is useless crude with
link selections instead of the filesystem tree. I have to click on
`folders' in menu bar to get the view I want.

How can I cause this to open with `folder' view active?

`Tools/folder options/view set all folders like this one'

Has no effect on whether the display is folders or not.


Command line:

c:\windows\explorer.exe /e, c:\

will start explorer in folder view (/e) and open the root of c:

Change the location to whatever folder you want to display.

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