Windows Error Reports

  • Thread starter Thread starter goorambatman
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ok, can anyone here actually read and comprehend Windows Error Reports?

Below is a Windows Error Report from Problems Reports and Solutions, the
results are removed and replaced with "?", if you are one who can comprehend
this please fill in what all this mean?





Problem signature
Problem Event Name: ?
Application Name: ?
Application Version: ?
Application Timestamp: ?
Fault Module Name: ?
Fault Module Version: ?
Fault Module Timestamp: ?
Exception Code: ?
Exception Offset: ?
OS Version: ?
Locale ID: ?
Additional Information 1: ?
Additional Information 2: ?
Additional Information 3: ?
Additional Information 4: ?

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: ?

Error Report Example:
Internet Explorer

Stopped working

29/07/2008 1:04 PM

Report Sent

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 8.0.6001.17184
Application Timestamp: 47ccc78e
Fault Module Name: kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a76d
Exception Code: 800401fd
Exception Offset: 000442eb
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 694023986
goorambatman said:
ok, can anyone here actually read and comprehend Windows Error Reports?

What more do you need? It tells you that IE crashed with a problem in
kernel32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18000, with the exception code stated and the
offset from the module. You are not suppose to understand this report. It
is designed for the developers at Microsoft. They have enough information
to figure out where in the program the error occured.

Don't worry about it.

It is above your pay grade.
What more do you need? It tells you that IE crashed with a problem in
kernel32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18000, with the exception code stated and the
offset from the module. You are not suppose to understand this report. It
is designed for the developers at Microsoft. They have enough information
to figure out where in the program the error occured.

Don't worry about it.

It is above your pay grade.

Can't resist taking a slap at the original poster can you Bill.

Error Reports are useless if the average user can't understand what
they mean. That of course leads to further frustration. Simple
question, what's the point? All the user knows is Explorer keeps
crashing. He's not told enough as to why, nor is the user told how to
fix this to prevent it from happening again non is the user told
anything useful as to what is really causing it.

As far as being for Microsoft's internal use, everyone that ever got a
response back from Microsoft on any error report they were asked to
send it, raise your hand.

Microsoft considers their customers as cannon fodder, ie expendable,
of no importance. The relationship ENDS as soon as you cough up the
money and activate. After, Microsoft could care less how much grief
Vista or any Microsoft software gives the end user.

What's important are the glaring things shown.

#1 Some system applet (Explorer) part of Windows, crashed.

#2 It further admits the error was caused by/in the Kernel,
the critical core of any OS.

Since both are 100% pure Microsoft crap, it is obvious where the fault
lies. As always Microsoft NEVER takes responsibility for their buggy
software. They just dump it on a unsuspecting public.

What can the average user taker away from this?

Vista, like all prior versions of Windows is buggy as hell, was
deliberately shipped that way and Microsoft doesn't give a shit about
fixing it or more likely hasn't got a clue why it keeps crashing.

I say that simply because Explorer crashing has plagued Windows way
before Vista saw the light of day. It is just another in a long line
of unfixed Windows bugs. We both know that. So why do you find it
necessary to try to defend Microsoft?

I keep asking that question, none of the Microsoft faithful ever
You said: Can't resist taking a slap at the original poster can you Bill.

I direct your attention to the following snippit of a post you replied to:

I have used MS and Apple OS since 1984.

I just bought a new laptop with Vista installed.

What's the beef?

If you have to ask you're probably too dumb to understand the answer.
It multitasks with greater fluidity, the fancy stuff does
not slow it down compared to a comparable machine (I have four) with XP.
There are a number of people around here (not from Microsoft) who can make
sense of those crash reports in some cases. Usually a third party Faulting
Module Name, for example, can be a pretty clear indication of where the
fault might lie. =)

But then you get into the harder stuff which takes some further research -
and then the even harder stuff that takes actual offline debugging -- and
then the even really harder stuff which takes live debugging / really good

It's really hard to know how easy it might be to figure out an Error Report
until you look at it / the DMP file. =\
You said: Can't resist taking a slap at the original poster can you Bill.

I direct your attention to the following snippit of a post you replied to:

If you have to ask you're probably too dumb to understand the answer.

Nothing special, typical newsgroup banter. Funny how so many misread
satire or the meaning behind witty or teasing responses.
Ringmaster said:
Nothing special, typical newsgroup banter. Funny how so many misread
satire or the meaning behind witty or teasing responses.

In order to have a sense of humor (you don't), ones needs to have at
least a moderate amount of intelligence. You don't. You've never posted
anything even remotely humorous or satirical nor have you ever displayed
any sense of humor.
IOW's, that makes you a prime candidate for being an idiot!
Which you are.
Bill 'DUH' Yanaire said:
Don't worry about it.

It is above your pay grade.

I imagine you tell yourself that everyday, to be able to live with your own

Synapse Syndrome said:
I imagine you tell yourself that everyday, to be able to live with your
own incompetence.


Well, idiot, you imagine wrong as usual. Typical crap from a nobody.
goorambatman said:
ok, can anyone here actually read and comprehend Windows Error Reports?

Below is a Windows Error Report from Problems Reports and Solutions, the
results are removed and replaced with "?", if you are one who can comprehend
this please fill in what all this mean?





Problem signature
Problem Event Name: ?
Application Name: ?
Application Version: ?
Application Timestamp: ?
Fault Module Name: ?
Fault Module Version: ?
Fault Module Timestamp: ?
Exception Code: ?
Exception Offset: ?
OS Version: ?
Locale ID: ?
Additional Information 1: ?
Additional Information 2: ?
Additional Information 3: ?
Additional Information 4: ?

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: ?

Error Report Example:
Internet Explorer

Stopped working

29/07/2008 1:04 PM

Report Sent

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 8.0.6001.17184
Application Timestamp: 47ccc78e
Fault Module Name: kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a76d
Exception Code: 800401fd
Exception Offset: 000442eb
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 694023986

Sure, It Means That it Is Time 4 You 2 Re-Format Your Computer And
Install Your Favourite Distro Of Open Source Linux, Just FYI.
Bill said:
What more do you need? It tells you that IE crashed with a problem in
kernel32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18000, with the exception code stated and the
offset from the module. You are not suppose to understand this report. It
is designed for the developers at Microsoft. They have enough information
to figure out where in the program the error occured.

Don't worry about it.

It is above your pay grade.

No, It Means That It Is Time 4 Him 2 Re-Format His Computer And Install
His Favourite Distro Of Open Source Linux, Just FYI.
zachd said:
I would expect that
would be the relevant Windows Error Reporting response for this.

It would appear offhand to be related to unbalanced Init/Uninit calls in a
bad Internet Explorer add-on or Toolbar - which is what that Error Response
is helping you troubleshoot.

Notice The Fact That He Installed MSIE 8.0 Beta 1 May Be Partially 2
Blame 4 The Problem, Also Who Knows What Other Beta's He Has Installed
On That Computer As Well, Just FYI.
zachd said:
There are a number of people around here (not from Microsoft) who can make
sense of those crash reports in some cases. Usually a third party Faulting
Module Name, for example, can be a pretty clear indication of where the
fault might lie. =)

But then you get into the harder stuff which takes some further research -
and then the even harder stuff that takes actual offline debugging -- and
then the even really harder stuff which takes live debugging / really good

It's really hard to know how easy it might be to figure out an Error Report
until you look at it / the DMP file. =\

The Problem May Be Due 2 The Fact That He Installed MSIE 8.0 Beta 1, As
IEXPLORE.EXE 8.0.6001.17184 = MSIE 8.0 Beta 1, Also Just FYI.
Sure, It Means That it Is Time 4 You 2 Re-Format Your Computer And
Install Your Favourite Distro Of Open Source Linux, Just FYI.

Strike That, You Should Try Either Resetting Or Uninstalling Your Beta 1
Copy Of Internet Explorer, Just FYI.
No, It Means That It Is Time 4 Him 2 Re-Format His Computer And Install
His Favourite Distro Of Open Source Linux, Just FYI.

Strike That, He Should Try Eitherr Resetting Or Uninstalling His Beta 1
Pre-Release Copy Of MSIE 8.0, Just FYI.
hehe I love how every one has got talking about the example error report in
my original post.

FYI - I couldn't be more happier with Vista and the possibalities of IE8.

I'v enjoyed being a beta tester, one thing I hope to see in the final IE8 is
a download handler with more features but I don't think it'll happen.

I think if you do a clean install of Vista, run SP1 and keep all your
software up to date it's very good. Never upgrade from a previous
installation of windows, always clean install. IE 8 will be good, already
better than 7.
hehe I love how every one has got talking about the example error report in
my original post.

Those "everyone" you are enjoying watching don't need an excuse to go
at it. One appears and the other two or three show up like underfed
jackals and take over the thread.

All except for Zach are the worst trolls in the Vista news groups.