Windows Easy Transfer

  • Thread starter Thread starter RonE22
  • Start date Start date


I am transfering files and settings from a 32 bit Vista Home Premium PC to a
64 bit Vista Home Premium PC, does create any problem? Also, are the files on
the Old machine deleted or do they remain intact.
I am transfering files and settings from a 32 bit Vista Home Premium PC toa
64 bit Vista Home Premium PC, does create any problem? Also, are the fileson
the Old machine deleted or do they remain intact.

The files on the old machine remain intact.

It does not create a problem except for very large data files in
excess of 2GB in size. It is highly unlikely that you have any single
file larger than 2GB on your 64 bit system; but, if a 32 bit program
tried to use a file larger than 2GB and had not been specifically
programmed for managing large file systems, then it could lose data. A
typical 'Home' user would not have any files so large. It is possible
for an Outlook maildata (.pst) file to grow to this size but only if
you get large amounts of mail are manic about keeping everything and
never archive anything. If you have a .pst file, you might what to
check its size.

Don't let the above concern you too much, just do the transfer. You'll
be happy with the results.

-solon fox
I have an additoinal question. i am transfering the files from my old
computer using a Hard Drive. When I get to the window in the Easy Transfer
process that has me choose a network location for the SaveDataMIG, do I
choose the HD or the C Drive on my old computer?
To solon fox: Thanks for your responses. I failed to mention in the second
question taht when I choose the HD it starts copy the folders on the HD
instead of Drive C. That is a problem since I'm trying to copy the files on
Drive C to the HD (Drive H).
This external hard drive is it connected via a USB? I had assumed that
it was a network drive. If it is a USB, then you should treat it as a
flash drive or other removable media.

See if this article maybe explains it better.

Step 1: Preparing for the Transfer
Windows Easy Transfer in Windows Vista supports the following
operating systems:

• Windows 2000 SP 4

• Windows XP SP 2

• Windows Vista

Preparing Windows Easy Transfer

1. Open Windows Easy Transfer on your Windows Vista computer: click
Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and
then click Windows Easy Transfer. Click Next to proceed.

2. If you have any programs open, you will be prompted to close them.
You can opt to save your work in each program, and then close them
individually, or you can click Close All in Windows Easy Transfer to
close all running programs at once. Click Next.

3. Click Start new to begin the process of preparing Windows Easy
Transfer to gather information from existing computers.

4. Click This is my new computer.

5. Select the destination for Windows Easy Transfer files. You have
the option of creating the wizard files on CD or DVD, removable media,
or a network drive. To use removable media or CD/DVD, you must have a
drive in your computer that supports writing data to the appropriate
media. Click Network drive.

Both computers must support the transfer method you choose. For
example, if you write the data to CD or DVD, the destination computer
must also have a CD or DVD drive. If you choose to transfer the data
across the network, both computers must be connected on the same

6. Type a path and folder name in which you will store the Windows
Easy Transfer files. The default value is C:\migwiz. Click Next.

Top of page
Step 2: Transferring files and settings
Perform this step on the existing computer from which you are
migrating user settings and files. Once the files and settings have
been collected from your old computer and saved, you will move to the
new computer to complete the wizard.

Transfer files and setting using a network

1. Start Windows Easy Transfer on the computer from which you wish
to migrate settings and files by browsing to the removable media or
network drive containing the wizard files, and then double clicking

2. If you have any programs open, you will be prompted to close them.
You can opt to save your work in each program, and then close them
individually, or you can click Close All in Windows Easy Transfer to
close all running programs at once. Click Next.

3. Determine the transfer method to use. Click Through a network.

Both computers must support the transfer method you choose. For
example, both computers must be connected to the same network.

4. Click Connect directly via network to begin the transfer.
Alternately, click Save to network location if you want to store the
files and settings in a file to be loaded later. If you choose to
store the data in a network location, you will be prompted to provide
the path.

5. Click Everything - all user accounts, files, and program settings
(recommended) to transfer all files and settings. You can also choose
to determine exactly which files should be migrated by clicking either
Only my user account, files, and program settings, or Custom.

6. Review the list of files and settings to be transferred, and then
click Start to begin the transfer. Click Customize if you want to add
or remove files or settings.

Transfer files and settings using removable media

1. Start Windows Easy Transfer on the computer from which you wish
to migrate settings and files by browsing to the removable media or
network drive containing the wizard files, and then double clicking

2. If you have any programs open, you will be prompted to close them.
You can opt to save your work in each program, and then close them
individually, or you can click Close All in Windows Easy Transfer to
close all running programs at once. Click Next.

3. Determine the transfer method to use. Click On a CD or other
removable media, such as a flash drive.

Both computers must support the transfer method you choose. For
example, both computers must support the same type of removable media.

4. Click To a network drive to save the files to either a network
folder or a folder on a removable drive.

5. In Where do you want to save your files, type the path to a folder
on the removable drive, and then click Next.

6. Click Everything - all user accounts, files, and program settings
(recommended) to transfer all files and settings. You can also choose
to determine exactly which files should be migrated by clicking either
Only my user account, files, and program settings, or Custom.

7. Review the list of files and settings to be transferred, and then
click Start to begin the transfer. Click Customize if you want to add
or remove files or settings.

8. Click Close once Windows Easy Transfer has completed moving files.

9. Move the removable media to the new computer and launch Windows
Easy Transfer. Click Next.

10. Click Continue a transfer in progress.

11. In Where did you copy your files, click Removable media. If
Removable Media is unavailable, click Network Drive. Click Next.

12. In Locate your saved files, type the path to your saved files or
click Browse. Click Next once you have located the files.

13. Choose user names on your new computer that match the names on
the old computer. You may have to create new accounts in this step.
Type in a user name to create an account on the local computer. Type
in a user name in the format domain\user to create a profile for a
domain user.

14. In Choose the drives for files on your new computer, select the
destination drive for each source drive location. For example, for
files that came from the D: drive on your old computer, you must
determine which drive they should be moved to on the new computer.

15. Review the list of files and settings to be transferred, and then
click Start to begin the transfer. Click Customize if you want to add
or remove files or settings.

16. Click Close once Windows Easy Transfer has completed moving