Windows Easy Transfer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Skeven
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Though the name is Windows Easy Transfer, I thinks it's a bit more of a
headache to use than most other programs that have easy in the name.

I use Windows Vista Ultimate, and ever since I have owned a computer I
format it once a year. So this year I backed everything up with the Windows
Easy Transfer to a 80+Gb .MIG file. I wasn't warned of any errors with the
files and happily backed up a few more files to my external hard drive.

I formated the computer, cleaned it up a bit, and then reinstalled Vista.
That went perfect. But when I went to unpack the .mig I had made earlier onto
the freshly installed Vista, it gave me an error.

"The Migration failed.

Windows Easy Transfer will now be canceled."

Well I tried again to make sure, and again. Then I tried copying it to the
computer itself and that didn't work. I've installed all the updates, and
still it does not work.

Setuperr.log in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\MigWiz contains the following
2007-11-27 20:26:12, Error [0x0804b2] MIG Failed to get source
working directory:
2007-11-27 20:26:13, Error [0x08019a] MIG CAgentManager: During
InitApply agent CMXEAgent threw an exception: class
UnBCL::ArgumentNullException: WorkDir.
void __stdcall Mig::CMXEService::SetWorkingDirectory(class UnBCL::String
*,class UnBCL::String *)
2007-11-27 20:26:13, Error [0x08030a] MIG MigDoMigration caught
exception: class UnBCL::ArgumentNullException: WorkDir.
void __thiscall Mig::CAgentManager::InitApply(class Mig::CPlatform *,class
Mig::CPlatform *)
void __stdcall Mig::CMXEService::SetWorkingDirectory(class UnBCL::String
*,class UnBCL::String *)
2007-11-27 20:26:47, Error SQM: SqmStartUpload failed.

I'm not sure what that means, but if anyone can please help me find a way to
remedy this, it will be greatly appreciated. Even if someone can refer me to
another program or something to open the archive itself. It's just that this
80+Gb file sitting on my desktop is a file containing pretty much everything
I've ever done on my previous installation of Vista and Media Center 2005
before that.

So please, I beg you for your help.


Attempted to use USMT 3.0.1, but it didn't work. Heres the code I used

f:\usmt301\Loadstate.exe c:\ /i:f:\usmt301\MigApp.xml
/i:f:\usmt301\MigUser.xml /decrypt /key:<mypassword> /c /all
/l:f:\usmt301\loadstate.log /v:4

Drive F:\ Being the external harddrive, where the .mig file is stored as
well as a copy of USMT.
Drive C:\ Being the destination where the files are to go.
I've tried using different USB ports on my computer, a different USB cable,
the device is powered, made sure there is enough space for the transfer, and
disabled anti-virus and firewall programs via "msconfig" and still I have no

If anyone could help, it would be appreciated.