Uninstalling is fine--I'll never complain about doing that simply because
the time isn't available--definitely your privilege.
So--you've uninstalled, but Microsoft Update is still offering the
definition updates?
I'm not sure how to fix this. One thought is this, though:
In this KB article is a link to the installer cleanup tool.
Download, install, and run, via start, all programs. See whether any
Windows Defender related items (there would normally be two--both starting
with Windows Defender)--are listed. If they are, highlight and choose
If the uninstall worked correctly, there shouldn't be installer items left
behind--but perhaps there are, and perhaps that is what is creating the
continued offer of definition updates.
I'd be interested to hear whether this helps. If it does not, I don't think
I have further suggestions that I can think of at the moment.