I run Microsoft Anti-Spyware Beta1 as a routine every third day. On the days
that it does not run, I run Norton Anti-virus 2006 one day and Ad-Aware
personal edition the next day. I mostly use Firefox browser with the cookies
blocked. I only use Internet Explorer when the site just will not play nice
with Firefox.
The firewall in the Verizon DSL modem is enabled, but not set all that
I am Running Windows 200 Pro-SP4 on an ATC motherboard with an Athelon Chip
and 256Meg of RAM .
I got a message that Windows Defender has an update to Beta2
I downloaded the update, rebooted, and attempted to install.
I got the Error message "Windows Defender Requires GDI+ Please Load the
Windows 2000 Security Software Prerequisite Pack " It directed me to the site
I went to that website, downloaded the file gdiplus_dnld rebooted,
unzipped and installed that file in the default folder, rebooted, and
attempted to install Windows Defender Beta2 again. Same error message. Sooo,
I downloaded it to the desktop this time, unzipped it, and got 2 icons in the
desktop, one is the gdiplus_dnld the other is gdiplus.dll.
Once again, rebooted and tried again, same error rmeesge. Just to make sure
I had done due dilligence, I ran Windows Update, did not get any updates, So
I updated Norton Anti Virus, and Ad Aware ( both DID update definitions ONLY)
and tried agan.
that it does not run, I run Norton Anti-virus 2006 one day and Ad-Aware
personal edition the next day. I mostly use Firefox browser with the cookies
blocked. I only use Internet Explorer when the site just will not play nice
with Firefox.
The firewall in the Verizon DSL modem is enabled, but not set all that
I am Running Windows 200 Pro-SP4 on an ATC motherboard with an Athelon Chip
and 256Meg of RAM .
I got a message that Windows Defender has an update to Beta2
I downloaded the update, rebooted, and attempted to install.
I got the Error message "Windows Defender Requires GDI+ Please Load the
Windows 2000 Security Software Prerequisite Pack " It directed me to the site
I went to that website, downloaded the file gdiplus_dnld rebooted,
unzipped and installed that file in the default folder, rebooted, and
attempted to install Windows Defender Beta2 again. Same error message. Sooo,
I downloaded it to the desktop this time, unzipped it, and got 2 icons in the
desktop, one is the gdiplus_dnld the other is gdiplus.dll.
Once again, rebooted and tried again, same error rmeesge. Just to make sure
I had done due dilligence, I ran Windows Update, did not get any updates, So
I updated Norton Anti Virus, and Ad Aware ( both DID update definitions ONLY)
and tried agan.