Hello WDinNEED,
Download Ccleaner and Dial-aFix
Ccleaner -
Note, uncheck Yahoos toolbar during install.
CCleaner quick tour:
Open Ccleaner and press "Windows" "Aplications" and "Run Cleaner" from the
menu choose 'Issues' and then press scan for issues, Repair any fºund.
Run twice Ccleaner, the same as above
This needs to be run in safe mode.
Run the above remover in safe mode then Ccleaner on all 3
settings(windows,apps & issues) and clear anything found reboot and see if it
still exists.
CCleaner even has a built-in Registry Cleaner. It's not the best (not
CCleaner's main function), but it will find invaild registry entries that
most Registry Cleaners will not. Unlike the Disk Cleaners with a Registry
Cleaner, CCleaner does really fast scanning for Registry Issues. The reason
is CCleaner doesn't want to effect Windows performance or effect any
applications. It's better to be safe than sorry!
There is also a third-party fix which has had good results for a number of
folks here:
Dial-a- Fix
Run this program with all the functions activated in safe mode.
Scroll down about 2/3 of the way to Download Dial-a-fix
Dial-a-fix is essentially a scripted run through of the standard Microsoft
fixes, I believe. I think I've only seen one failure when we've referred
people to it. I'm not too enamoured of some of the authors opinions, but
this has been a useful tool.
For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.
I hope this post is helpful.
Let us know how it works ºut.