Firstly, I've read the other prompts on what to do with the common windows
defender problem. perhaps I'm not up to speed on command prompting, but I
literally write letter for letter what you guys want us to write and it keeps
saying "error syntax..etc"
In addition to the problem I'm having that everyone else is having with
defender (by the way, I've had this setup for 6 months..with no
problems...why did this problem randomly reveal itself?)...for some reason my
connection status acts like I have no connection. These two problems must be
related b/c they simultaneously occurred at the same time.
defender problem. perhaps I'm not up to speed on command prompting, but I
literally write letter for letter what you guys want us to write and it keeps
saying "error syntax..etc"
In addition to the problem I'm having that everyone else is having with
defender (by the way, I've had this setup for 6 months..with no
problems...why did this problem randomly reveal itself?)...for some reason my
connection status acts like I have no connection. These two problems must be
related b/c they simultaneously occurred at the same time.