Hello Pacnat,
Can you expand more on this?
Who detect the malware?
Can you provide the name of the malware.
What OS is in your system.
What version and engine of WD you are running.
Have you tried the cleaning in safe mºde?
What is the exact error messªge?
Have you read the responses to the other messages relating to this prºblem?
Have you scanned your system using a recently updated anti-virus program?
Have you scanned your system for malware (spyware, adware, trojans, and
other pests) using other tools, like Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, a-Squared, ewido,
Spyware Doctor, Pest Patrol (online)?
Its hard to comment as we dont know what it was that caused the alert, Did
it happen just once or just after you installed something or has it happened
a few times?
Can you let us know what the malware is and where its being detected ?
If you don't mind can you tell me what Ant-Spyware programs you have and
what anti-virus you are running.
Are you on a large, managed network, where access to AutoUpdate is
restricted? Is there a WSUS server on the network?
What Browser are you using?
Thank you