Windows Defender is updating

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tracker
  • Start date Start date
Hello Tracker,

Thank you, but not here.

From the WDUI I get the OLD error 0x80240022 I'm using WVHP

From the WU I get error 0x80244019 Still after manually allow:

Maybe by tomorrow is going to be sorted.
Engel- are you using Microsoft Update or Windows Update?

If you are on Microsoft Update, you can try reverting to Windows Update,
restarting, and doing a scan and download under Windows Update. You may
then be able to go back to Microsoft Update with success.

The option to revert to Windows Update is in the left column under "Change
Settings"--wait for the page to load and scroll all the way down.

This prescription has worked for me in some cases on XP--I'm not sure
whether it'll do the same on Vista, but it is easy to try.

Hi Bill,

I try the switch, and I got:

0x80246005 -2145099771 SUS_E_DM_NONETWORK Network connection was not

0x80246005 WU_E_DM_NONETWORK
Network connection was not available.

In Windows Update

There are starting to mention WD with the problem Downloading.

Like I said, sometimes the Servers are like me ;-)

I'm going to wait, I'm sure by tomorrow the problem is going to be corretected
Thanks Engel. You may very well be right that it is a server problem. I
don't have any inside information about that at the moment. The one
Defender update I did today was on a specialized beta server product, and I
assumed that the error message I got was because of the nature of the server
software--so I updated manually via the security portal site.

So--perhaps I am seeing this same issue, but didn't spot it!

I just had my server install check for definitions, and it returned "no new
definitions available."

So--I believe that if there was a server issue, it is resolved (based on the
update check not returning an error message.)

I also believe that your message and my result are not inconsistent--there
are more definitions made available for manual download, say, via than there are distributed automatically.
