Tim Clark
Defender is updating both it's Engine and it's Defs:
Engine Version: 1.1.5202.0
Definition Version:
Engine Version: 1.1.5202.0
Definition Version:
Tim Clark said:First I would recommend logging off and restarting your computer.
I recommend waiting a full 2 minutes before logging back in.
Check the WD Engine version again.
If it is not correct I Do NOT Recommend running the update again.
Instead go to the malware protection center and download the Full MPAS-FE
appropriate to your system.
It is somewhat large, about 12 MB, but will replace the Entire engine [and
Defs Database] with a fresh copy instead of just updating it.
Run the MPAS-FE and check your version again.
If this works you should be set.
If you are running Automatic Updates it should kick with the next update
between Thursday morning and Friday afternoon.
If you are not using AU updates you can Visit the WU/MU site and check
manually or run "Check for Updates" in the WD GUI, otherwise there should
be a new Delta Update Link [probably just for the defs] on Thursday about
If this has not worked there might be other problems in play.
What is your OS? XP, Vista, Win7 is it 32 or 64 bit ?
[if you don't know what "32 or 64 bit" means you are probably 32 bit]
Are you running the files while logged in as an Administrator or with
Administrator privileges?
Good Luck,
Let us know what happens.
I applied this update, but my engione version still shows as 1.1.5101.0