Fireplug1 here;
I folowed the manual update method and did in fact get the updates, but only
after unchecking all the auto update boxes, and using Windows Defender to
update itself, it did get the newest definition update, and it is:
1.1.1505.0, engine version; 1.1.2306.0; defeniton version: 1.16.2435.7, once
the auto update feature was re-installed and all boxes re-checked, it
"defender" once again said unable to update.
So license validity is still an issue here with real-time performance at
risk for failure.
So what to do next? How to get the validity back into the license?
Re-install the entire system, since even after installing from the un-installer did not find the Windows Defender in
the populated list. In fact it is not in any uninstall populated list.
Therefore cannot be successfully uninstalled without uninstalling the entire
system and re-installing the entire system and hoping you get it right the
next time? I personally cannot think of another alternative. Again I have
asked and Brendon Shwartz and Joe Healy have said they do not have all the
answers, Brendon Shwartz and Kerry Brown seem to have found a fix for many,
but I still have a Windows Defender that once auto update was re-enabled it
came back with an unable to update. That still focuses on a license issue. I
told the OEM they sold me a defective product and they told me they did not
know the answer either, I was recommended to go back to Microsoft!!! Joe
Healy says next time at Microsoft ask for an SR# and a Supervisor. So
tomorrow I will do just that, since this porblem is escalating and seemingly
not totally fixable! Level 2, or better is what we need with all the best at
Microsoft helping us out here.
signed:... Fireplug1