grabbed the file manually at home, and it went in just fine:
The log looks as though AU thinks all has gone well--so if your log
indicates success, but the home page hasn't changed, try the manual method.
Windows update log looked like this:
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId =
Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI - Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and
IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains
'0a487050-8b0f-4f81-b401-be4ceacd61cd') or (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0
and CategoryIDs contains '8c3fcc84-7410-4a95-8b89-a166a0190486')"
2006-05-02 23:40:55 1948 1e9c COMAPI - ServiceID =
2006-05-02 23:40:57 1948 1e9c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:40:57 972 8f8 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:40:57 972 8f8 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:40:57 972 8f8 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:41:04 972 8f8 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2006-05-02 23:41:04 972 8f8 PT + ServiceId =
{7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2006-05-02 23:41:09 972 8f8 Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable
rule, updateId = {36D86A1B-E75C-4D14-93C2-1B9D0F86945D}.100, error =
2006-05-02 23:41:41 972 8f8 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended
update info +++++++++++
2006-05-02 23:41:41 972 8f8 PT + ServiceId =
{7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2006-05-02 23:41:47 972 8f8 Agent * Added update
{46753217-F990-43A4-950B-FF5D4139AEE2}.100 to search result
2006-05-02 23:41:47 972 8f8 Agent * Found 1 updates and 18 categories in
2006-05-02 23:41:47 972 8f8 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:41:47 972 8f8 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:47 972 8f8 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:41:47 1948 410 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:47 1948 410 COMAPI - Updates found = 1
2006-05-02 23:41:47 1948 410 COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:41:47 1948 410 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId =
Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:47 1948 410 COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId
= Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI - ServiceID =
2006-05-02 23:41:48 1948 1fc0 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr *************
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading
updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr *********
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr * Priority = 3, ServiceId =
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 Agent * Title = Definition Update
1.14.1436.4 for BETA Windows Defender (KB915597)
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 Agent * UpdateId =
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 Agent *
2006-05-02 23:41:48 7860 1eb8 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: -0400) ===========
2006-05-02 23:41:48 7860 1eb8 Misc = Process:
2006-05-02 23:41:48 7860 1eb8 Misc = Module:
2006-05-02 23:41:48 7860 1eb8 DtaStor Update service properties: service
registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job
[UpdateId = {D6293091-151B-4BE1-9823-B6E3326D8EBE}.100] ***********
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
2006-05-02 23:41:48 972 864 DnldMgr BITS job
{E4D580AF-4E5D-4835-9B73-66FF266CCC68} using proxy = gopher=,
bypass =;localhost
2006-05-02 23:41:49 972 864 DnldMgr * Downloading from
(full file).
2006-05-02 23:41:49 972 864 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:41:49 972 864 Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:49 972 864 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:41:52 972 8f8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{AE905116-337F-4A86-9994-E9795F61B159} 2006-05-02 23:41:47-0400 1 147 101
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows Defender Success Software
Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 1fd0 DnldMgr BITS job
{E4D580AF-4E5D-4835-9B73-66FF266CCC68} completed successfully
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 1fd0 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 1803080,
bytes transferred = 0
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 1fd0 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job
[UpdateId = {D6293091-151B-4BE1-9823-B6E3326D8EBE}.100] ***********
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 1fd0 DnldMgr * All files for update were already
downloaded and are valid.
2006-05-02 23:41:55 7860 1eb8 DtaStor Update service properties: service
registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 458 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 458 COMAPI - Download call complete (succeeded =
1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 458 COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 458 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId
= Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 458 COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId =
Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI - Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced:
No; Force quiet: Yes
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI - ServiceID =
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI - Updates to install = 1
2006-05-02 23:41:55 1948 4c8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent * UpdateId =
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent * Bundles 2 updates:
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent *
2006-05-02 23:41:55 972 8f8 Agent *
2006-05-02 23:42:00 972 8f8 Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable
rule, updateId = {36D86A1B-E75C-4D14-93C2-1B9D0F86945D}.100, error =
2006-05-02 23:42:02 972 910 Report REPORT EVENT:
{B9C2CD78-73E2-4074-9AA3-592D4DE9115A} 2006-05-02 23:41:55-0400 1 162 101
{46753217-F990-43A4-950B-FF5D4139AEE2} 100 0 Windows Defender Success
Content Download Download succeeded.
2006-05-02 23:42:21 972 8f8 DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId
= {D6293091-151B-4BE1-9823-B6E3326D8EBE}.100.
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: -0400) ===========
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Misc = Process:
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Misc = Module:
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Handler :::::::::::::
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Handler :: START :: Handler: Command Line
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Handler :::::::::
2006-05-02 23:42:21 496 8ec Handler : Updates to install = 1
2006-05-02 23:42:31 496 8ec Handler : Command line install completed.
Return code = 0x00000000, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
2006-05-02 23:42:31 496 8ec Handler :::::::::
2006-05-02 23:42:31 496 8ec Handler :: END :: Handler: Command Line
2006-05-02 23:42:31 496 8ec Handler :::::::::::::
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 f0 AU #############
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 f0 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 f0 AU #########
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 8f8 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 8f8 Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 8f8 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 f0 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {0B086D0B-58BF-4A44-8CBB-4086E5D714B4}]
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI - Install call complete (succeeded =
1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI - Reboot required = No
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI ---------
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId =
Windows Defender]
2006-05-02 23:42:31 1948 394 COMAPI -------------
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 864 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 864 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2006-05-02 23:42:31 972 864 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:42:35 972 864 Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable
rule, updateId = {36D86A1B-E75C-4D14-93C2-1B9D0F86945D}.100, error =
2006-05-02 23:42:46 972 864 Agent * Added update
{46753217-F990-43A4-950B-FF5D4139AEE2}.100 to search result
2006-05-02 23:42:46 972 864 Agent * Found 1 updates and 18 categories in
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 Agent *********
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 Agent *************
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 Report REPORT EVENT:
{2557E2A1-67F3-4C16-BEE6-FB3118BF76B3} 2006-05-02 23:42:31-0400 1 183 101
{46753217-F990-43A4-950B-FF5D4139AEE2} 100 0 Windows Defender Success
Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the
following update: Definition Update 1.14.1436.4 for BETA Windows Defender
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {0B086D0B-58BF-4A44-8CBB-4086E5D714B4}]
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU # 1 updates detected
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU WARNING: AU ignoring update during offline
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU #########
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId
= {0B086D0B-58BF-4A44-8CBB-4086E5D714B4}]
2006-05-02 23:42:47 972 864 AU #############
Engel said:
Latest version is as follows:
Tuesday 2 May 2006
WD AutoUpdater Download and Install with out any problems.
Definition Update 1.14.1436.4
(1.7 MB) (KB 915597)
WD v. 1.1.1347.0
Engine v. 1.1.1372.0
Signature v. 1.14.1436.4 created on 5/2/2006 at 5:15 AM