Windows Defender Auto scan problem

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I am using the 1.1.1051.0 version of Windows Defender. I set up a daily
auto scan time and saved it. For some reason, the program does not auto
scan. It did before this latest version. Any thoughts on the problem? I
also run Norton SystemWorks and Trendmicro anti-spyware on auto settings
without problems. I can make WD work manually, but the auto scan is a nice
feature I would like to use again. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hello Lizred,

Whatever you do, (installing and updateting or unistalling) always as a
This is the key!

Can you gº to Windows Update, select Express (Get high-priority updates),
and apply all offered updªtes

There are many pre-requisite files which are needed from windows update and
signature update with windows defender will fail until you hªve these files.

Once that is finished, can you verify the update installs?

Latest version is as follows:
Jue 1 Jun 2006
11:29 PM ES 2:29 PM EU
WD v. 1.1.1347.0
Engine v. 1.1.1441.0
Signature v. 1.14.1471.6

For Signature 1.14.1471.6

Version 1.1.1347.0 is out.
Users who normally select advanced Spynet membership should be aware that
the install process will set you back to basic membership, so it's a good
idea to revisit both the Spynet membership area of Tools, and the Options
area--to see what's different, and check that your old choices have been

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.

Thank you for replying Engel,

I am the Administrator. I run auto updates and when just checking now there
was nothing to update, so I am current.

The info on WD found is

Windows Defender Version: 1.1.1051.0
Engine Version: 1.1.1441.0
Signature Version: 1.14.1471.6

I am a bit confused. Should I follow the link
and reinstall WD? The site states it is WD Beta 2 X86 from April 12, 06...
Or should I just go to the previous link For Signature 1.14.1471.6
and install the latest signature?

When I try to update WD via the link on the program itself, it comes back
that I am updated with the latest ver.

Sorry to sound so muddled, I am usually pretty good at knowing how to
troubleshoot software problems.

Thanks for additional clarification.
Hi Liz,

Download a new WD version with the Link Engel provide you with!

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Lizred schreef:
I I get this error:
Windows Defender was unable to complete the update 0x80240030

I searched the data base to see if there was a listing for this error but it
came back as none found.
Any thoughts of what to do now?
I tried searching with just the number of the error and found all kinds of
information that, frankly, I don't understand. I printed out some of it and
will try to adjust my proxy settings to see if this solves the problem. My
tech support is my engineer husband who should be able to figure this out if
I can't. I just hate to ask him, because I like to find my own solutions.
Well, I found the solution and feel very dumb that I didn't think of what was
messing up my proxy. I disabled Ad Subtract and am now up and running.
Appreciate the help I recieved here...It got me thinking and now I don't have
to ask my spouse. We both build our own computers, but he was a system
administrator and knows more than I do...but I can usually find solutions.
Oh Lizred !

Please don`t tell me you are one of those females who feel you would rather
die than demean yourself to a man. A relationship is not one of a contest.
Rather (among other things), a mutual admiration, love and respect of the
other. The chasm of communication between man and woman is much too evident
and widening in the 21st century. If this is the trend, the propagation of
the human race truly looks bleak. Thank God! I will be long gone by then :)
Are you communicating to us from the after-life? I thought the 21st
century started a few years back. I hope you didn't start a flame war
here... no fighting, except malware, please. :)
No, I learned a lot from my DH who is very talented with both hardware and
software. I do like to support myself as much as possible, however. This
community is great also offering very rapid assistance. Knowing a lot isn't
as important as knowing where to find it and how to apply it <g>.

I do build my own computers including the one I am using now. It was my
first RAID. I really love technology even when updates hand me an unexpected
:) Atta girl !!


Lizred said:
No, I learned a lot from my DH who is very talented with both hardware and
software. I do like to support myself as much as possible, however. This
community is great also offering very rapid assistance. Knowing a lot isn't
as important as knowing where to find it and how to apply it <g>.

I do build my own computers including the one I am using now. It was my
first RAID. I really love technology even when updates hand me an unexpected
Dave. You are so right. Where have I been? :)

Can`t resist the odd tease every now and then. Promise to behave myself in


I have the exact problem you did. I have Defender set up to autoscan every
night at 2AM but it won't do it. My previous version of the MS anti-spyware
worked just fine with the auto scan. I unfortunately am not as savvy as you
and cannot find the ad subtract to try the disable that apparently worked for
you. Can you please help?
hello i am useing the same version on two comps on one the auto scan wont
work and on th other it works perfectly .i was wondering if some one had the
same prob and whatyou done about it thank you in advanc as i am lost yours .