windows defender at dial up connection with ie8 on a dell inspiron

  • Thread starter Thread starter sam
  • Start date Start date


I recently updated my wife computer in windows update, a lot of files
including ie8
now when the computer boots and ie launches and loads after dialup
connection connects ,DEFENER DISPLAYS a system change was made by a known
change APP EXECUTION ,cwindowssystem32mswsockdll, this defender box comes on
and off two times,then the dial up connection is lost ,sometimes after the
conn is lost it will redail and connect sometimes not,I went on micro-answers
and ran kb936215,clearing histories and even to fix it tool that put the ie
browser to original state,also disabled all add ons ,now the browser wrks
but i would like to know what happened and also how to get updates without
thanks sam
Hello Sam,

You've selected in Defender, tools, options, to be notified about changes to
the system from known apps.

This popup is created when Windows Defender re-schedules its
scheduled scan job.
also i looked
thanks sam

Ǝиçεl said:
Hello Sam,

You've selected in Defender, tools, options, to be notified about changes to
the system from known apps.

This popup is created when Windows Defender re-schedules its
scheduled scan job.

adding 12/07/2009 I stillam getting the defender message and also gettng
disconnected from dial up connection, but I have noticed some strange and
different things, one when the dell inspiron 1501 laptop starts up the screen
flashes several times where it use to flash only once and now it takes up to
one and a half minutes to get to desktop,also I clicked properties on all
three ie icons one on desktop ,one instart menu ,and one on quick launch--all
thre show that they are shortcuts is tis normal,also connected to dial up
connecton,opened two browser windows ,got the white screen cannot display
page on both, so i closed both browser windows,let dial up connected,clicked
ie on desktop it opened and dialed, dial up connection ,connected and
displayed the home page correctly,thanks for any help sam ,also