I keep getting a pop-up error message that reads....
Windows - Corrupt File
The file or Directory C:\windows\system32\config\software.LOG is corrupt
and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk.utlilty
I've tried to run the chkdsk.utility but I still keep getting this error
message and I have no idea why. Either I am doing something wrong or need to
do something else.
Someone please help me as I am very frustrated
Windows - Corrupt File
The file or Directory C:\windows\system32\config\software.LOG is corrupt
and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk.utlilty
I've tried to run the chkdsk.utility but I still keep getting this error
message and I have no idea why. Either I am doing something wrong or need to
do something else.
Someone please help me as I am very frustrated
