Windows XP Windows cannot update your roaming profile

Jan 4, 2006
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Windows cannot update your roaming profile. Possible causes of this error include network problems or insufficient security rights. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.

Please Help.
Hi Squad, sorry to hear you got problems!

1) Is this a persistent problem, or does it appear periodically?

2) Does it occur at logon or logoff?

3) How many profiles are affected by this message?

4) What O/S are you using?

It's possible that the profile on the server itself has become corrupted, or indeed it could just be a logon/off error.
I always generally get that error when running Linux as the Primary Domain Controller...

Ensure your priviledges are assigned correctly also ;)
Profile problem

Here you have the information you need.

(1) This is a persistent problem

(2)- It occur when the computer logs off

(3) – 2 profiles are affected

(4)- I’m Using WinXP+SP2

Thanks to help me in this problem

OK then Squad, if there are two affected profiles, how many un-affected profiles are there, and what server platform are you connecting the WinXP machines to?

Of the two profiles which are giving you problems, are they both coming from the same machine or have you tried connecting to the server via different desktops? How many desktops do you have on the network?

I'm just trying to narrow down where the problem could lie, so there may be more questions to come, sorry!:)
profiles problem

hi CITech,

As you ask here you got the answer:

There are about 18 un-affected profiles not, and all of them are connected to the Windows Server 2003 plataform.

I didn’t understand the second part of your answer but if it Help “The profiles don’t come from the same machine and connected to the server in different machines without problem I got the errors when I log off as you know.”

Apologize me to take all this time to answer your questions, but is like I live in hell because my ISP was down for a day.

Still thank you for your attention.
Ok Squad, its good to see that not all the roaming profiles have been affected.

The other question I was trying to ask (but maybe not clearly!) was this. If you login from a PC with a "damaged" profile, could you then use the same machine to logon with a "working" profile. I am trying to confirm that the fault does not lie with the actual machine (or O/S).

Secondly, if you try to use one of the "damaged" profiles on more than one machine, do all the machines report the same error? This is to confirm that the server based profile is the one which is causing the problem.

Hope this is a bit easier to follow, and you understand why I am asking for the various scenarios!:D

I tried to log on with the accounts that have profile problem on other PCs and there nothing wrong.

It means that I don’t receive any error during the Log on/off, so it makes me believe that some file on profiles must be damaged. Do you know any way to correct this kind of situation?
Hi Squad, right, at least we think we know where the problem lies. It should be possible to delete the profile files from within c:documents and settingsUSERNAME, but I would suggest you first remove the profiles from the system configuration. (This may help with previously locked files etc.)

You need to right click on "My Computer" and select PROPERTIES.
Select the ADVANCED tab, then the USER PROFILES button half way down the screen.
Inside there it will list all users who have a profile on that machine. If you delete the affected users in here, and then try logging in again, you may not need to delete the source files, as the server should create a new profile automatically.
If there is more than one profiles for a specific name, make sure you delete the one with a STATUS of ROAMING.

Try that and let me know how you get one. :thumb:

Good luck, CI