jfaletra said:
I have the same issue as "Windows cannot access the file gpt.ini for
GPO" - Events 1058 and 1030 XP Client Only."
The difference is that my issue is on the Domain Controller that is
actually holding persay the GPO's
I think I have lost the right frontal lobe dealing with this issue!
Please Help!
If you are getting this on the domain controller make sure the DC is using
its own address for DNS and that file sharing and cleint for MS Networks is
If the DC is multihomed you can have the issue if the Bindings are out of
order, post an ipconfig /all
This issue has popped up a lot in the past few months on XP, I'm not sure
what is causing this but for some reason it seems to be a problem with XP
connecting to the Domain SYSVOL DFS share at \\\SYSVOL the GPOs
are in the \\\SYSVOL\\policies share.
You can try these articles we have not had any feedback on if any resolve
the issue.
312181 - Long Delays When You Open Resources on a DFS Share;en-us;312181&Product=winxp
Group Policies Are Not Applied The Way You Expect; "Event ID 1058" and
"Event ID 1030" Errors in the Application Log;en-us;314494&Product=winxp
835261 - Long delay before you can connect to a domain-based DFS namespace;en-us;835261&Product=winxp