My idea didn't work.

I totally forgot the vista calendar folder holds one
ics file, not individual items. My thought was to use forward as ics to
convert to ics files then drop them in the vista calendar folder - but they
need imported 1 at a time. This works if you just have a few to move, but is
not as easy if you have a lot to move. It can be done though and it's faster
than redoing the calendar items.
Unlike older versions, Outlook 2007 has the ability to create a single ics
file from all of your appointments, so it's simple to move between vista and
outlook calendars. If you have access to outlook 2007, open your pst with
2007 and choose the email calendar option, then save the ics (or send it to
your own email account) and either import it or just place it in the
calendar folder.