Looking for a Windows based hard drive scan utility. The one that comes
with Windows is useless in that if it has difficulty reading a sector, it
keeps banging away until successful then never reports the problem!
Looking for a program that reports a single error and not keep re-trying.
Currently checking out http://hddguru.com/software/2006.01.22-HDDScan/
But I'm not sure if it will do the same stupid thing Windows scan does...
Don't like the fact that HDDscan doesn't give you a progress bar - what on
Earth were they thinking?
with Windows is useless in that if it has difficulty reading a sector, it
keeps banging away until successful then never reports the problem!
Looking for a program that reports a single error and not keep re-trying.
Currently checking out http://hddguru.com/software/2006.01.22-HDDScan/
But I'm not sure if it will do the same stupid thing Windows scan does...
Don't like the fact that HDDscan doesn't give you a progress bar - what on
Earth were they thinking?