windows back up to hard drive



vista utilmate .windows back up to hard drive in computer .i keep getting
error brain dead

John Barnett MVP

Copy of the Error message would be useful, Bob. You might find that people
can help a little more when they know hwat they are dealing with. At the
moment your question doesn't give much information for anyone to go on.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
Windows - Shell/User


The information in this mail/post is supplied "as is". No warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy,
reliability or content of this mail/post. The Author shall not be liable for
any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the
use of, or inability to use, information or opinions expressed in this



I get the following error message from Vista Ultimate:

"x There was an unexpected error in the property page. Incompatible version
of the serializing package (0x80070724). Please close property page and try

Closing the page does nothing. I cannot create a restore point, nor can I
back up to the hard drive using Vista backup from the control package.
Problem appears to be caused by reformating the backup drive some time after
the first backup was carried out. I just want to do a brand new backup.

Can you help?


I have the same problem. But I cannot turn the system restore off, because
the button is grey, and I cannot select or deselect the hard drive unit. any



Has anyone solved this problem?

El escuchador said:
I have the same problem. But I cannot turn the system restore off, because
the button is grey, and I cannot select or deselect the hard drive unit. any



Try to check for the following files in c:\windows\system32


If these files are available try to re-register the SRCORE.DLL. to
re-register click on start->Run-> regsvr32 srcore.dll

All the best...


Hello all.
I am new to vista. I have had a pc for many years now and have actually
built my own pc so am not a novice at most things. I am however rather
annoyed with my new purchase. My girlfriend bought me a sony vaio and even
though the laptop is great I am annoyed that there is no disc to install
vista if it fails. I regularly format and partition my computers to suit what
I want but cant do this as I have nothing to install. Talk about microsoft
tight arse. have they not made enough money out of us for the last 20 years?.
And another thing, My laptop is supposed to have a 120hdrive. If you right
click on the c drive icon it only says there is 100 available! Where is the
other 20 gb gone?

Talk about over complicating things.

What I need to know is:

Do I have to download vista to get a copy?
Have I been ripped off and only got a 100gb drive instead of a 120?
If I have a 120gb drive, where the hell is it?
And finally, all the software installed on the laptop has also no discs
supplied. How do I copy these.

Many thanks to anyone who answers.

Michael Palumbo

patrick m hayes said:
Hello all.
I am new to vista. I have had a pc for many years now and have actually
built my own pc so am not a novice at most things. I am however rather
annoyed with my new purchase. My girlfriend bought me a sony vaio and even
though the laptop is great I am annoyed that there is no disc to install
vista if it fails. I regularly format and partition my computers to suit
I want but cant do this as I have nothing to install. Talk about microsoft
tight arse. have they not made enough money out of us for the last 20
And another thing, My laptop is supposed to have a 120hdrive. If you right
click on the c drive icon it only says there is 100 available! Where is
other 20 gb gone?

Talk about over complicating things.

What I need to know is:

Do I have to download vista to get a copy?
Have I been ripped off and only got a 100gb drive instead of a 120?
If I have a 120gb drive, where the hell is it?
And finally, all the software installed on the laptop has also no discs
supplied. How do I copy these.

Many thanks to anyone who answers.

You're blaming Microsoft for something that Sony has done.

Sony has chosen not to give you any installation disks, this is up to the
OEM not Microsoft.

You're 120 gig drive is 120 gigs, some of the space is lost to formatting
and the rest is most likely taken up by the recovery image/software that
Sony provides in the event you have to restore your system to its original,
factory condition. These would be on a separate, hidden partition and if
you go into Disk Management you should see it, but I wouldn't mess with it.

Contact Sony for the install disks, they will most likely expect you to pay
for them though.


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