Windows Antispyware (Beta)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Timothy
  • Start date Start date


The download went just fine but when I went to install it
I got an error message: "Error reading setup
initialization file". What's up with that?
Sounds like download that didn't quite complete.

I'd try downloading again, being sure to save the file to your hard disk,
and then run it from there.
I deleted the file from the drive, I shutdown McAfee
Security system, I downloaded it again but this time I
saved it. I ran the program and I came up with the same
error message. Now what? Oh yeah...I tried installing
the Beta on my laptop and it works GREAT.
There've been a collection of issues around the Windows installer, but this
message isn't typical of those, as far as I can see.....

What about deleting everything in the temp file directory and any
subdirectories of that?

I do that at a cmd prmpt --landing at \documents and settings\username, and
doing CD local settings, CD temp.

At that point you can run explorer . and clear out nearly everything--there
are usually a few .tmp files that are in use, but most stuff can be deleted.

I've seen some wierd errors when a setup program couldn't write to a
subdirectory, or that subdirectory didn't exist for various reasons.
-----Original Message-----
The download went just fine but when I went to install it
I got an error message: "Error reading setup
initialization file". What's up with that?