Urmas said:
Scary... you sound just like Preston Gralla.
I was just reading through this thread again and came across this - so I Googled Preston Gralla.
I suppose I can do at times, yes, but the way I see it any one person who constantly promotes one Operating system over another and blindly accuses rival Operating Systems of shortcomings is straight out of the Preston Gralla camp as well to a certain degree.
I will acknowledge that Microsoft supporters, in general, spout a lot more garbage than their opposite numbers in the Linux camp but all sides are guilty of the same crime.
I try and ensure that when I make a criticism or give praise, I get my facts correct. If that makes me sound like this Preston Gralla character, so be it.
But - you won't find me constantly bangin' on about Linux proclaiming it to be the best thing since sliced bread cos it isn't.
Things aren't as clear cut as 'Windows is crap, Linux is brilliant' it just isn't but judging by the way some people espouse Linux a person may be forgiven for assuming that was the case.
I will criticise an OS's faults where they exist and as I see them and if that upsets some supporter's sensibilities well that's tough luck.
I look at what's available, and always think 'How can I use that to my advantage?' I will not blindly support a product out of misplaced loyalty like some starstruck football fan but rather look at the product coolly then judge it on it's merits and difficulties.
I've offered my views on Windows and Linux often enough here for most regulars to know what I think but briefly:
I don't like Microsoft because they charge too much for their product and are dirty underhanded con merchants. But it works for me, I mostly enjoy using it and I can play games within it.
I like Linux because it's free, Open Source, has Honour and has many things which in my opinion are superior to software used in Windows. And it's mostly free.
But as Linux is not a cash cow there is inferior driver support, virtually no good games will work with it and apart from that you need to learn console commands which is akin to having to learn DOS 6.22 all over again.
Another facet of Linux that turns me away is this inverted snobbery and the assumption by many Linux users that all those who use Windows are fools whilst they are the greatest gift to intelligentsia since Einstein.
Yes, I know Microsoft are crooks and a thoroughly nasty piece of work and I know a sweetly tuned Linux OS works well and purrs.
But - let's not sweep the truth under the carpet. My tirade is neither pro or anti any OS, merely a call for people to open their eyes, understand and make a choice. And that choice can mean using both. People need to know the advantages and disadvantages of both OS's and Linux devotees telling prospective users it's easy to master are, frankly, spouting a mistruth.
I haven't brought Apple into the equation as I'm unqualified to comment on their OS, having never used one in my life.