Windows and viruses?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan
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One computer with Windows XP Pro was recently infected with CWS infection.
Other two computers have Windows 98 SE.

Recently it seems that the Windows XP, 2000 has been susceptible to the
worms and viruses. Are the creators of the worms and viruses mainly
targeting XP, 2000? If so, is Windows 98 then safer?
Before the MVP (M$ Victim Poster) Hermes responded, Susan typed:
One computer with Windows XP Pro was recently infected with CWS
infection. Other two computers have Windows 98 SE.

Recently it seems that the Windows XP, 2000 has been susceptible to
the worms and viruses. Are the creators of the worms and viruses
mainly targeting XP, 2000? If so, is Windows 98 then safer?

Yes and yes.

DRM sux! Treacherous Computing kills our virtual civil liberties!

Windows XP crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
No, Windows 98 is not "safer". One should take prudent measures to
insure the security integrity of your computer, regardless of the operating
system installed. Please read:

Be Smart! Protect your PC!

To help prevent future security breeches, consider installing
a good program designed to do just that:

Norton Internet Security 2004 Professional

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| One computer with Windows XP Pro was recently infected with CWS infection.
| Other two computers have Windows 98 SE.
| Recently it seems that the Windows XP, 2000 has been susceptible to the
| worms and viruses. Are the creators of the worms and viruses mainly
| targeting XP, 2000? If so, is Windows 98 then safer?
Hard to tell what the creators of worms and viruses are doing.

However, Win 98 is not any "safer" than Win 2000 or XP. For all
systems, need to follow prudent security guidelines, e.g. use a
firewall, use virus protection, etc. See
for more advice.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.

Carey Frisch said:
No, Windows 98 is not "safer". One should take prudent measures to
insure the security integrity of your computer, regardless of the operating
system installed.


LOL! 98 is too safer, since most of the latest viruses exploit wholes
in the MS NTOSs.

Instead of acting like you're brainwashed, why don't you actually try to
think before you type nonsense!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
Thanks, windows upates are not installed but I have warned them. I am
surprised that Sasser has not hit them yet. They have Windows XP firewall
enabled and Trend Micro Internet Security 2004 installed and up-to-date. I
wonder if that has kept the Sasser worm away.
Thanks, windows upates are not installed but I have warned them.

Get another job, quick.