Windows 98SE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ian Loughlin
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Ian Loughlin

I read the thread on 98SE support but the conclusion is far from clear.

Will Beta work on 98SE or is it simply not supported by MS on 98SE ?

I installed Giant in November 2003 and it worked perfectly until they asked
me to pay for it. I couldn't upgrade to a full user due to the pending MS

So - is it safe to download Beta onto my 98SE system and run without support

Yes yes I know I should upgrade to XP and I will do so when I change my PC.


Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta): System requirements
Published: January 6, 2005

Minimum system requirements for Windows AntiSpyware (Beta):
..Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
..A 300 MHz or faster processor with at least 64 MB of RAM
..Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows ServerT 2003
..At least 10 MB of available free space on your hard disk
..Internet access with at least a 28.8 Kbps connection to use SpyNetT

Good question. Minimum requirement doesn't always mean
that software won't run on a lower spec, just that
supplier can't be bothered to test/support.

Best way to find out is to try it. Let us all know if it

Sorry but MS antispyware just won't do it on a 98 box.

Ron Chamberlin
Hi S,
Good question.>
Yes it is, but the answer is in teh negative.

Sorry but MS antispyware just won't do it on a 98 or ME box.

Ron Chamberlin

Minimum requirement doesn't always mean