dave r said:
I got xp windows update.
I have a laptop with windows 95.
Whats the easiest and less costly way to update to xp?
You cannot upgrade your installed Windows 95 to Windows XP.
However, assuming that your hardware is fully adequate for Windows XP
(the published requirements are overly optimistic, to put it mildly)
the following steps will get you up and running with Windows XP.
A. You will have to reinstall all of your application programs after
Windows XP is installed.
B. You will need to have your original Windows 95 installation CD
Step 1 - Use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard on the Windows XP
Upgrade CD to save your user data files and program configuration
settings to another hard drive partition, a network drive, or a
removable backup device (CDRW drive, tape, etc.) See MVP Gary
Woodruff's article at
Step 2 - Format the hard drive (C: partition if has more than one
partition on it) or better yet delete the partition entirely with
Step 3 - Boot the computer with the Windows XP Upgade CD and install
Windows XP. If you deleted the partition in step 2 then you can now
create a new NTFS partition for installing Windows XP. If you just
reforamtted C: then you can install Windows XP there and the partition
will be FAT32. NTFS is better than FAT32 for many reasons, but the
differences are not critical or essential in any way.
Step 4 - During the Windows XP install process you will be asked to
briefly insert your disk from the previous version of Windows, which
in your case will be the Windows 95 install CD.
Step 6 - When Windows XP is installed then you can reinstall your
application programs from the original CDs
Step 6 - Run the FASTW from within Windows XP to import the saved data
files and configuration settings from Step 1.
Good luck
Step 2.
Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service
In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP