Windows 8 Windows 8 Is A Mystery


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Daughter 2 has bought a new laptop and has sent it to my address as she is moving around atm.

Well, I've got it started and her Hotmail page has appeared. But I don't know how to get out of it. There are no Back buttons, no taskbars, no little red rectangles with a white cross in it in the top right corner. I've tried various keys and combinations of keys on the keyboard and - nothing.:mad:

Apparently there's a Users' Guide somewhere, probably online. But just one big problem. How do I get online? Been at it for over an hour.

Windows 8 is just so different from any other system I've used. Does anyone out there use Win 8? And does anyone know of a really friendly website with instructions on how to work this thing? :wall:
Well, I've got it started and her Hotmail page has appeared.

Do you mean a screen something like in this picture ?

No, it's the Hotmail (email) opening page, full of email headings.
Ah, ok. Move the mouse cursor to the top right of the screen. That should open the charm bar and allow you to go back to the start screen
Now if only it was that simple. Downgrading can be quite complicated

No it's not, just choose 'format' after booting from Win 7 Disk :D

After backing up important stuff of course :)

There are certain words Mr Flops don't like, lemme see....

'Apps' 'Cloud' 'Achievments' 'DLC' .....I'm sure there are more, I'll have to get me thinking cap on...

Seriously, I wouldn't even try to start to give advice on Win 8, I used it for one calendar month and it confused the hell outta me.
That works well on an older machine. Not that easy on new machines that came pre installed with W8 and the new fangled UEFI

Ah yes, I stand corrected, I'd read of this but have no experience of it.

That is Microsoft bullying manufacturers to adapt BIOS to only suit Win 8, so very typical of MS's foul business practices :mad:

Could mean somebody buying a new laptop is stuffed if they want to run Linux or change to an earlier MS OS.

But... as in your link, (which I haven't actually watched tbh) it can be done. I have read of the successful ridding of Win 8 elsewhere, a bit of a palaver.
That is Microsoft bullying manufacturers to adapt BIOS to only suit Win 8, so very typical of MS's foul business practices :mad:


Add to that M$ has also changed the rules on downgrade rights. Seems you can only downgrade if you bought a machine with W8 Pro on it.
With the way M$ are going I see more an more people making the swap to Linux or Crapple.