Windows 7 windows 7

Oct 25, 2010
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hi all i'm very new to computers and need some help i have a toshiba pro lap top and have this problem with it : i cannot connect to internet and keep getting messages saying wsa startup failed and wrong socket and winsock failed can any1 help please as my son desperate to have it working again and please bare inmind i not a genius haha so step by step please thank you cory
We need to know the exact error messages please. :)
hi all sorry for being so computer illiterate lol on booting laptop i get failed to connect to a windows service. windows could not connect to the system event manager thanks cory
windows socket initialization failed
wsastartup() failed or you have the incorrect version of winsock installed
cory said:
wsastartup() failed or you have the incorrect version of winsock installed

To sort this problem out, restart your computer in Safemode.
Once in Safemode, navigate to RUN, once run is open, type CMD. You should see a new box open. Once this command prompt has opened, type in "netsh winsock reset" without quotations. That should sort that problem out. As for the other one, I will be back. BAsically ou need to re-register the "winsock.ocx"
hi now i on internet but everything realy slow and i looked to do a system restore and i carnt
EvanDavis said:
ok,do this in this order

download and install

Trend Micro[/url}

then go for

Do those and you will be OK[/url]

cory said:
No, if he was that clever, he'd not have messed up the URL code. :p


Is the url's he meant. :)[/url]
my laptop is still not right but its alot better i am on internet but to tell you the truth it never was a mean machine lol thank you