Windows 7 Windows 7 ultimate x64 frequent bsod

Jun 30, 2010
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I have been getting blue screens on my laptop since about a month now and I am not able to fix it. I get bsod whenever I try to watch a 1080p video on youtube(never had this problem before, and I have the laptop for almost a year now) or at other seemingly random times.The sound also gets very choppy at times, might it be caused by the same thing thats causing the bsod's?. I use WhoCrashed to give me infos about these bsod's and it keeps saying that ntoskrnl.exe is faulty. I also attached several dump files. I hope someone can help me deal with this issue. Thanks in advance


I would start here. Download Blue Screen View.

Second, what are your PC specs. I see NTOSKRNL and HAL.dll causing issues. Every single one is the exact same. These two files causing issue. If you scroll down the list, there are a thousand things running on your PC at the time of the crash. It seems that you may not have a machine that can handle the amount of stuff you are throwing at it. I would try, first, to back down on what is currently running. Clear your start up and watch the number of programs you open. See if you can minimize the BSODs that way. From there, you can evaluate "do i need more hardware resources" or "am I causing my machine to crash all the time by over loading it" ?

If neither of those are the cause, it may be that your OS kernel may have become corrupt some how. In such an instance, it would be best to reinstall the OS.

Given the number of dump files, the frequency of occurrence, and the earliest date (at least in this group of dump files, only you know how many are on the machine total, one for each BSOD), it probably won't help to try and roll back the system using the restore function. You may introduce other issues by going that far back in a restore.