Windows 7 slow LAN connectivity

  • Thread starter Thread starter yaro137
  • Start date Start date


It's really annoying that when you connect two computers to a WiFi AP
and try to copy files between them it takes ages to copy anything and
is slow beyond any reason. Even when I connected one of them via wire
it's still terribly slow and even freezes from time to time. One of
the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate. I already disabled that thing
that checks for connection errors or something but still no joy.
yaro137 said:
It's really annoying that when you connect two computers to a WiFi
AP and try to copy files between them it takes ages to copy
anything and is slow beyond any reason. Even when I connected one
of them via wire it's still terribly slow and even freezes from
time to time. One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate. I
already disabled that thing that checks for connection errors or
something but still no joy.

So... you state, "One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate" and yet
you chose to post here:


What is the Make/Model and such of the AP router?

What does the command line "tracert" and/or "pathping" commands tell you
when you ping the private IP address of the machine you are not running the
command(s) from? Does it go outside your private network?

What speed are you getting from the copy?
Does the speed vary (for the same file) if done from one direction or the
yaro137 said:
It's really annoying that when you connect two computers to a WiFi
AP and try to copy files between them it takes ages to copy
anything and is slow beyond any reason. Even when I connected one
of them via wire it's still terribly slow and even freezes from
time to time. One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate. I
already disabled that thing that checks for connection errors or
something but still no joy.

Shenan said:
So... you state, "One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate"
and yet you chose to post here:


What is the Make/Model and such of the AP router?

What does the command line "tracert" and/or "pathping" commands
tell you when you ping the private IP address of the machine you
are not running the command(s) from? Does it go outside your
private network?

What speed are you getting from the copy?
Does the speed vary (for the same file) if done from one direction
or the other?

Erik said:
What is wrong with posting Windows XP & Windows 7 questions here?

Name of the group in question:

Go to your eye doctor and have them fill that cavity in your teeth often?

And I asked relevant questions - just haven't received any answers.
Name of the group in question:

Go to your eye doctor and have them fill that cavity in your teeth often?

And I asked relevant questions - just haven't received any answers.

If you find me microsoft.public....windows7 group I'll be glad to post
BTW as a MS-MVP you should realise that Windows7 is really Vista
version x.1.
For widely known reasons MS didn't want to call it anything close to
Vista even
though it's practically the same system.
I didn't post to XP group for a simple reason. There is NOTHING wrong
with XP.
It's sensible then to assume the problems lies with Win7.
The router is a Thompson and nothing's wrong with it. Confirmed by
another XP laptop. Pinging XP from Win7 gives around 14ms. The
transfer speed
from XP to 7 reaches around 450kbps via WiFi and doesn't go any
When Win7 is connected via wire it gets to 1.2Mbps and that's it so
still the
transfer speed is nowhere close to what you would expect.
Unfortunately I can't connect that XP desktop via cable but WiFi
transfers between 2
XPs were just fine.
If you find me microsoft.public....windows7 group I'll be glad to post
there. BTW as a MS-MVP you should realise that Windows7 is really
Vista version x.1. For widely known reasons MS didn't want to call it
anything close to Vista even though it's practically the same system.

I didn't post to XP group for a simple reason. There is NOTHING wrong
with XP. It's sensible then to assume the problems lies with Win7.
The router is a Thompson and nothing's wrong with it. Confirmed by
connecting another XP laptop. Pinging XP from Win7 gives around
14ms. The transfer speed from XP to 7 reaches around 450kbps
via WiFi and doesn't go any faster. When Win7 is connected via
wire it gets to 1.2Mbps and that's it so still the
transfer speed is nowhere close to what you would expect.
Unfortunately I can't connect that XP desktop via cable but WiFi
transfers between 2 XPs were just fine.

Wow - all that and you did not do the troubleshooting. I did not say
anything was wrong with your router - it is the configuration I think is not
done right.

As for Windows 7 being Vista x.1, that is an opinion really. I know I do
not run Vista on anything and did not run ME on anything either. Doesn't
mean your question is relevant here. Just because there are similarities
does not mean there aren't enough differences your query would be relevant

There were plenty of Windows XP groups that you could have chosen and a few
minutes of research on the Internet would have found the Microsoft Answers
forums with Windows 7 groups galore. Searches in this very newsgroup would
have found those and the alt. Windows 7 newsgroup and a free server to use
to connect to it. ;-)

If Pinging on your own local area network is giving anything greater than
<5ms (wireless or not) then something is not configured correctly and you
should do the tests I gave you to figure out whether or not you are going
outside your network. And ping... Not a true test of much other than
ability to see the other machine. PathPing and TraceRT... Please. It will
tell you what the path is.

Did you choose "Home Network" when you setup Windows 7 on your network?

Also - get the latest drivers for your chipset and network devices on all
machines - from the manufacturer, please. Microsoft - uf and when they
have your non-Microsoft hardware drivers - is usually weeks+ behind what the
manufacturer released (and fixed things with.)

Any third party firewall on the Windows 7 machine? Some super anti-virus
suite of some sort?

As for the Windows 7 specific areas...

In the "Answers" forums or non-Microsoft news servers.
(Specifically: )


alt.windows7.general on a non-Microsoft news server like:

Microsoft is doing away with the newsgroups - that is what Microsoft Answers
(above) is all about and there are plenty of Windows 7 groups there.

Wow - all that and you did not do the troubleshooting.  I did not say
anything was wrong with your router - it is the configuration I think is not
done right.

As for Windows 7 being Vista x.1, that is an opinion really.  I know I do
not run Vista on anything and did not run ME on anything either.  Doesn't
mean your question is relevant here.  Just because there are similarities
does not mean there aren't enough differences your query would be relevant

There were plenty of Windows XP groups that you could have chosen and a few
minutes of research on the Internet would have found the Microsoft Answers
forums with Windows 7 groups galore.  Searches in this very newsgroup would
have found those and the alt. Windows 7 newsgroup and a free server to use
to connect to it. ;-)

If Pinging on your own local area network is giving anything greater than
<5ms (wireless or not) then something is not configured correctly and you
should do the tests I gave you to figure out whether or not you are going
outside your network.  And ping...  Not a true test of much other than
ability to see the other machine.  PathPing and TraceRT...  Please.  It will
tell you what the path is.

Did you choose "Home Network" when you setup Windows 7 on your network?

Also - get the latest drivers for your chipset and network devices on all
machines - from the manufacturer, please.  Microsoft  - uf and when they
have your non-Microsoft hardware drivers - is usually weeks+ behind what the
manufacturer released (and fixed things with.)

Any third party firewall on the Windows 7 machine?  Some super anti-virus
suite of some sort?

As for the Windows 7 specific areas...

In the "Answers" forums or non-Microsoft news servers.


alt.windows7.general on a non-Microsoft news server like:

Microsoft is doing away with the newsgroups - that is what Microsoft Answers
(above) is all about and there are plenty of Windows 7 groups there.

Googling just confirmed that I'm not the only one with this problem.By
saying that the router is fine
I meant the diagnostics ( tracert, pathping) did not come up with
anything unusual. Straight route. No
dodgy paths. Also if as I said works all right when transferring
between 2 XPs that narrows the problem
rather significantly. I use Avast Home and never had any problems with
it. I disabled it completely while
running the tests to be sure it doesn't affect the results. I was
rather expecting to hear something like
"yes, this is a known issue. You need to modify this and that in the
registry" or something.
Fair one on the alt.windows7. I just thought
groups are the best source of information and
support so was searching here. Thanks