Hi All
Nothing wrong with my Windows installation but thought I'd install Service Pack One overnight. Woke up to a blank screen and when I attempted to reboot the system passed POST but would not boot.
Tried the various repairs using the original Windows 7 disk but none worked and had to resort to installing an image from an external hard drive, which involves formatting the HDD. Worked fine and nothing lost but will not be in a hurry to fix something that ain't broke in future.
Thanks for the replies Guys
Had no intention of striking out into the unknown - far prefer to cower in the background. Did not read previous posts carefully enough.
Very interested in the 'recovery and repair stuff' on Windows OS disks - repaired an MBR I bu--ered up on the same system recently after messing with partitions on the HDD and also used the image on my external HD to recover a previous ba--s up as well as this latest one.
Suppose recovering the image will always work and there is always the option of re-installing Windows 7.
I have the new 7 service pack installed and all is running really well......it's the fastest i have seen it running in a while.
Sorry to hear you had big issues Peahouse.