Windows 7 Retail vs OEM

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alice
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im hving sever isues with my pc and thinking about geting Winows 7 to see if
it helps. what is the difrnce between OEM 64bit And retail??? also is
ultimate worth the money for it??? or is home preum good. i used the
compatabilty tool and say i can run 64bit if i fromat and fresh inatall.
Thanks in Advance.

HP Pavilion M9080N(GQ500AA)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz)
64 bit Quad-Core Processor
3GB DDR2 667 (2 x 1GB & 2 x 512MB)
1000GB 7200RPM SATA
SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology
DVD-ROM drive 16x max. speed
NVIDIA ATI Radeon HD 4850
Integrated High Definition audio
Integrated 10/100/1000Mbps network interface
Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g/n
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-Bit SP2
Alice said:
im hving sever isues with my pc and thinking about geting Winows 7 to see
if it helps. what is the difrnce between OEM 64bit And retail??? also is
ultimate worth the money for it??? or is home preum good. i used the
compatabilty tool and say i can run 64bit if i fromat and fresh inatall.
Thanks in Advance.

It all depends what "issues" you are having with your current computer. If
they are software-related then yes you might solve them with Windows 7. If
they are hardware related however, then changing the OS isn't going to make
any difference.
OEM 64-bit has only the 64-bit DVD. Retail copies of Windows 7 include
both 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs. For OEM copies, there is no support from
Microsoft apart from the available downloads and knowledge base articles.

It is probable that Home Premium will meet all your needs. See for a detailed
comparison of the features in the various editions.

If the issues you are having are hardware related, a change of operating
system will not help. Check your system memory with Memtest and your hard disk with its manufacturer's
diagnostic utility. It is possible that your motherboard and/or graphics
card are faulty: the only practicable way for you to check these is by
substituting known good versions which you are unlikely to have.

It may just be that your current system has been corrupted. In this
case, a clean re-installation would solve your problems.
Yes i talked to my warnty people and HP Suport. below what they baisickly

HP Suport:
IF i upgrade i should use 32bit win7 ultimate since my curnt pc was
uptimized with parts to run 32bit vista ultimate. they think retail version
is a good idea incase i do decied to build a pc down the road. but for my
m9080n i should stick with 32bit. The got me links to doen load all the
drivers for pc run on win7. only one that isnt included is the built in
wireless card. they said those drivers scedualed to be released 12/10/09.

They says its sounds like my Mother Board is failing if thats true its the
second board to fail since i got it 2 years ago. im suposed to here from a
inhome tech by wensday the 11th. they also say my montor reings are most
likly bunt out pixels. id have to ship it in and they will ether replace
its or send me a check for the original 349.99 my fiancee paid for it.
problem is my fiancee dont like that idea becase ill have no montor for
atleast 2 weeks. but montor warnty runs out on 11/29/09. i relly dont know
what to do im calling warnty people in 2.5 hours to see what they came up
with option wise.

well thats info i got so far. gona try repairing this pc and evently
upgradding os with a retail version.

HP Pavilion M9080N(GQ500AA)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz)
64 bit Quad-Core Processor
3GB DDR2 667 (2 x 1GB & 2 x 512MB)
1000GB 7200RPM SATA
SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology
DVD-ROM drive 16x max. speed
NVIDIA ATI Radeon HD 4850
Integrated High Definition audio
Integrated 10/100/1000Mbps network interface
Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g/n
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-Bit SP2
Gateway HD2200: HD 22" Wide Screen LCD
Ok, rule number 1, never believe anything HP support tells you, get second,
and even 3rd opinions. If your system is x64 capable there's no reason not
to install Windows 7 x64, as long as drivers are available for your
peripherals and and 3rd party software you have will work.
im hving sever isues with my pc

What issues?

and thinking about geting Winows 7 to see if
it helps.

Depends on the issues, but changing operating systems seldom helps.

Here's my general view on changing to a newer operating system:

A change of operating system should be driven by need, not just
because there is a new version available. Are you having a problem
with Windows XP that you expect Windows 7 to solve? Do you have or
expect to get new hardware or software that is supported in Windows 7,
but not in XP? Is there some new feature in Windows 7 that you need or
yearn for? Does your job require you have skills in Windows 7? Are you
a computer hobbyist who enjoys playing with whatever is newest?

If the answer to one or more of those questions is yes (and your
hardware is adequate for Windows 7), then you should get Windows 7.
Otherwise most people should stick with what they have. There is
*always* a learning curve and a potential for problems when you take a
step as big as this one, regardless of how wonderful whatever you're
contemplating moving to is. Sooner or later you'll have to upgrade (to
Windows 7 or its successor) because you'll want support for hardware
or software that you can't get in XP, but don't rush it.

I say all the above despite the fact that I'm a big Windows 7 fan. I
think it's the best and most stable of all versions of Windows.

what is the difrnce between OEM 64bit And retail???

Although if you get a complete generic OEM version, it contains the
same software, it has the following disadvantages as compared with the
retail version:

1. Its license ties it permanently to the first computer it's
installed on. It can never legally be moved to another computer, sold,
or given away (except with the original computer).

2. It can only do a clean installation, not an upgrade.

3. Microsoft provides no support for OEM versions. You can't call them
with a problem, but instead have to get any needed support from your
OEM; that support may range anywhere between good and non-existent. Or
you can get support elsewhere, such as in these newsgroups.

also is
ultimate worth the money for it??? or is home preum good.

Both are good. The difference between the various editions is a
difference in what features they contain. Which one is best for you
depends on what features you might use. Some people might never use
the extra features in Ultimate, and for them, there would be no real
difference between them.

You can read about the differences here:

i used the
compatabilty tool and say i can run 64bit if i fromat and fresh inatall.
Thanks in Advance.

Running the 64-bit version will do the following:

1. Let you use more RAM (significant only if you run applications that
need more RAM than the 32-bit version can use).

2. Let you run 32-bit applications (if you can get them, they will be
faster than 32-bit versions, but as yet, there are very few 32-bit
versions available).

3. Give you potential problems getting 64-bit drivers for peripherals
like printers and scanners, especially if you have older peripherals.
What issues?

Depends on the issues, but changing operating systems seldom helps.

Here's my general view on changing to a newer operating system:

Sorry for my error below, Please change all instances of "XP" in the
following two paragraphs to "Vista."
basicly my pc mobo is fried.

If your motherboard is fried, it needs to be replaced, not fixed. And
once it's replaced, you *usually* don't need to reinstall Windows,
neither the existing version nor a new one. All you usually need to do
is a repair installation.

they coming to fix it

Who is "they"?

When you use a word like that, it sounds like it's the Geek Squad or
some similar group from a big box store. These are typically far and
away the worst possible source of technicians to fix anything wrong
with a computer, and I strongly recommend that you stay *far* away
from them.
it was baought at comp usa 1 month later they wher baught oun n closed. im
not shue who andels the warnty spciicly. but the number i call is having a
nouther company come out n do it. i alredy reinstaled windows wich i wish i
haednt but thats what warnty people kepts saying to do now they say guss
its the mobo. 95% of the software i use is in a box in a storge shed in
bixby oklahoma and im in state college pa with no way y to get it so kinda
upset about that.

they finly mailing me a new montor slitly beter then mine. Mines a gateway
hd2200, they shiping me a hd 2201 i think they said with beter color ratio.
windows 7 is something i been wanting to get to make pc run beter and use
less memory. and upgrade to the full 8gb on the board.

HP Pavilion M9080N(GQ500AA)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz)
64 bit Quad-Core Processor
3GB DDR2 667 (2 x 1GB & 2 x 512MB)
1000GB 7200RPM SATA
SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology
DVD-ROM drive 16x max. speed
ATI Radeon HD 4850
Integrated High Definition audio
Integrated 10/100/1000Mbps network interface
Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g/n
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-Bit SP2
Gateway HD2200: HD 22" Wide Screen LCD
it was baought at comp usa 1 month later they wher baught oun n closed. im
not shue who andels the warnty spciicly. but the number i call is having a
nouther company come out n do it.

Your choice, but if it were my computer, I would be extremely
concerned about who works on it.

i alredy reinstaled windows wich i wish i
haednt but thats what warnty people kepts saying to do

In your last message, you said the motherboard is fried. Now you say
you reinstalled Windows. If the motherboard is fried, you can't
reinstall Windows, or do anything else.

now they say guss
its the mobo. 95% of the software i use is in a box in a storge shed in
bixby oklahoma and im in state college pa with no way y to get it so kinda
upset about that.

they finly mailing me a new montor slitly beter then mine.

Why? What does that have to do with the motherboard being fried?

If you're looking for help here in this newsgroup, you need to explain
your situation up front completely. Revealing what's going on, little
by little, as you're doing just makes everyone's life harder, and is
also very likely to get you bad advice.

Moreover, the sloppiness of your English makes your messages so hard
to read that I'm through with them. I don't want to have to get
through any more effort to try to find out what your situation is.

Mines a gateway
hd2200, they shiping me a hd 2201 i think they said with beter color ratio.
windows 7 is something i been wanting to get to make pc run beter and use
less memory. and upgrade to the full 8gb on the board.

HP Pavilion M9080N(GQ500AA)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600(2.4GHz)
64 bit Quad-Core Processor
3GB DDR2 667 (2 x 1GB & 2 x 512MB)
1000GB 7200RPM SATA
SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology
DVD-ROM drive 16x max. speed
ATI Radeon HD 4850
Integrated High Definition audio
Integrated 10/100/1000Mbps network interface
Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g/n
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-Bit SP2
Gateway HD2200: HD 22" Wide Screen LCD
basickly when u broke EVERY MONTH leves u little choices. local repair
shops say 150 even to look at it. that was chepest. this it be part cost
and 75 a hour labor. and i live on less then 700 a month.
