Windows 7 Windows 7 Administrator - or am I?

Sep 27, 2010
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Hi, recently did a complete install of Win7 after years of happy 'puting with WinXP. Among the various things I don't like about Win7 is that virtually every other thing I try to do, like deleting, or copy & pasting, or moving files, I get a pop up message that says somrthing like: "You don't have permission to save in this location/move this file/delete this file. Contact the administrator to obtain permission." I am the flippin administrator as can be seen if only this stupid software were to look in Start>Control Panel>User Accounts...and there I am.....Mike - Administrator - Password Protected. Why can't Win7 end it's strop and aknowledge that I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR! Sometimes I wonder whose PC this is, mine or Windows! I suspect it's Windows.
Are the files you have this problem with in a specific location? Sometimes if you move old data from an old PC, you'll get permission errors as the files "belong" to another username. If that is the case, you could take ownership of the old directory using this method:

There are some easier scripts to use too (, but I would be careful to only use it on the directory where you are having problems.
Sometimes I wonder whose PC this is, mine or Windows! I suspect it's Windows.

Dumb question, no wonder you are having trouble.
Your pc belongs to Microsoft who have full control over its behavior. Didn't you read the T+C'S. :lol:
Dumb question, no wonder you are having trouble.
Your pc belongs to Microsoft who have full control over its behavior. Didn't you read the T+C'S. :lol:

Does anyone? Really? If we need a computer what option do we have? Linux is probably more lenient over ownership, but you need to attend evening class for months to understand how to use it properly, and it doesn't operate Photoshop, Autocad, Cakewalk Sonar, Soundforge, ConvertXtoDVD, etc., although there are similar programs.
Are the files you have this problem with in a specific location? Sometimes if you move old data from an old PC, you'll get permission errors as the files "belong" to another username. If that is the case, you could take ownership of the old directory using this method:

There are some easier scripts to use too (, but I would be careful to only use it on the directory where you are having problems.

Thanks, I can't remember but I'll make a note where it happens next time.
I don't know if it matters but I have 2 external hard drives that contain data from the old Win XP that I operated before recently installing Win7. I have however retained the same username.