Windows 7 Windows 7 Action Center


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
For the last two weeks oor so, every other day, Action Center keeps telling me Windows was unable to find an AV, when clearly I have Avast installed.
Even when I set Action Center to not give me these warnings it still does. HAve looked on the tinternet but can't find owt relating to this. HAs anybody else per chance had this problem. NOt that its really a problem, just more of an annoyance.



Even funnier is that after flipping through a dozen "fix it this way" sites referencing various causes and fixes, this one was the only one that I actually saw a fix on. This was done without rememberance of the original AV reference by that time. I figured, works for one, try it for yours kind of thing. Mostly referenced updates to the software and Windows mods. Turns out to be directly for yours.

Hope it helps. :D
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Thanks all worked wel on 3rd attempt when I gave up trying to delete files. uSed the .bat file in the end and all seems ok for now :D
Ok so much for that working. Going to uninstall Avast and use Ccleaner for a good clean up and see how we go after I reinstall :(
Try the uninstallation and cleaning in Safe Mode. I will have a look around and see if there are any other points of interest.
Thanks for all the help. Unfortunately my PC died this afternoon. The hard drive did its best inpersonation of a screaming banshee and gave up. HAd to go get el'cheapo from PC World. NOw just how to figure out how OCUK can sort me out as said drive is only 3 months old. Funny how things happen though, it was only Sunday when I did back ups of all my music to CD :D
it killed itself.

maybe the issue was related to the drive failing. one can only speculate at this point.