Windows XP Windows 64bit


The Linux Lady
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
I installed this today and it went pretty much like a normal XP install.
No problems.
My first question- why do we need a 64bit Internet Explorer?
coz you have a 64bit chip?


its all relative... i use 24bit sound cards, 16 bit graphics cards, and 64bit mobos... and am I confused?


It might just be in the name? Does it look any different?
Ian Cunningham said:
It might just be in the name? Does it look any different?

No, but it isn't running 32 bit plugins like Active X.
I can go to Windows Update in 64bit IE, but it will tell me it need to open 32bit IE to run updates. How ironic is that?
Windows doesn't support it's own 64bit IE.

It's IE 6, Mucks. :)
How very strange! I think I'll stick with Win32 for now :D
There are 2 IE's in Win64. Regular 32bit and 64.
I just wondered why we would need a 64bit browser.
Hi All, Windows x64 works faster on a 64bit hardware than a 32bit windowson a 32bit hardware, but the problem is that most of the applications doesn't support 64 bit, and won't be installed on a 64bit os, and windows do not support conversion from 64 to 32. That's why i prefer to keep my 32bit os running, with all the bugs it contains.
(Plug and pray)
