Which O.S. is more secure?? is there a chart or a
document?? please advice.
document?? please advice.
-----Original Message-----
Which O.S. is more secure?? is there a chart or a
document?? please advice.
I also use Red Hat Linux for years and do not
remember any serious security issues.
security takes place, it is in the O.S. It is likely
true that XP SP2 will be soon be released then SP3 to fix
problems with SP2, and SP4 fix problems with SP3
opinion. I also use Red Hat Linux for years and do not
remember any serious security issues. Microsoft uses
solution is to use a real O.S. (unix of course), for
example Red Hat Linux which has excellent security and is
-----Original Message-----
Which O.S. is more secure?? is there a chart or a
document?? please advice.
If you are concerned about security then why does
XP need a service pack to fix security as stated by
IBTerry [MSFT]? Also the desktop is not where the real
security takes place, it is in the O.S. It is likely
true that XP SP2 will be soon be released then SP3 to fix
problems with SP2, and SP4 fix problems with SP3
etc,etc,etc.... Win2K which is what I have according to
IBTerry is not supported. Why? I still use it even though
it is from a security standpoint, defective, in my
opinion. I also use Red Hat Linux for years and do not
remember any serious security issues. Microsoft uses
a "bait and switch" method of marketing promising
their "fixes" will solve all your security problems if
you "upgrade". Historically what usually happens is that
they cause more problems than they solve. The real
solution is to use a real O.S. (unix of course), for
example Red Hat Linux which has excellent security and is
far cheaper than XP. Ultimately it depends who you are and
what you want to do with your system.
Search the net for O.S. security comparisons...
Try here for example for a comparison of operating systems
Ultimately, ... you can choose.