Windows 2k Reboot


Robert Raley

I have a system that for no apparent reason reboots itself. This has
happened 2 times now.

This is what happens. The machine works well for a couple of months. Then
one day enter the office boot up and the machine goes through post, window
start up splash screen reaches the window blue screen where the user must
log in. but does not show the log in and then reboots.

We are running macfee virus, ad-ware and spy ware. The machine again
appears to be clean.

When I attempt to reinstall windows in the same winnt directory I am
returned to c:/winnt prompt and nothing more.

I now have 3 copies of win2k on the machine. This is a real pain in the butt
as the new windows does not pick up the installed programs. This machine is
used by designers and some programmers and the re installation of the
programs and the reconfiguration of the programs is very time consuming

Please give me your advise




Hi Rob:
We had a similar problem. It was caused by a device conflict between a
usb mouse driver and a software client (Altiris).
Try going to system properties, advanced tab, startup and recovery and
unchecking the "automatically restart" option under system failure
section. Then start researching they why...

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