Windows 2003 Terminal Services Session Timeout Policy on W2K serve

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rdp session timeout polices and w2k

I implemented rdp session timeout policies in w2k ad by importing a w2k3
administrative template

Problem is that it only seems to be applying on the w2k3 systems

I am currently trying to apply this to the w2k machines via psexec and a
registry edit. Anyone know an easier way? Or a way to get this policy to
apply to w2k machines?

it may not work if the settings are new to 2003; if that's the case, it
won't do anything on 2000
sometimes when you change a policy setting, it will tell you that it applies
to windows 2003 or higher, which means it has no effect on 2000
seth said:
it may not work if the settings are new to 2003; if that's the case, it
won't do anything on 2000
sometimes when you change a policy setting, it will tell you that it applies
to windows 2003 or higher, which means it has no effect on 2000

Got it by doing the following


@echo off

FOR /F %%i in (deploy.txt) do call deploy.bat %%i


echo working on %1 ...

ping -n 2 %1 |findstr /C:"Reply from" >>pingstat.log
if errorlevel 1 goto end

robocopy D:\SysAdmin\cliff\registry\deploy \\%1\c$\temp /log:%1.log
psexec -c \\%1 blah.bat



echo working on %computername% >> c:\temp\output.log
regedit.exe /S c:\temp\tssessions.reg >> c:\temp\output.log


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

