I am redesigning my network infrastructure and would like some advice. I
have three seperate buildings that is backboned with fiber at 100mb. The
longest distance is 2000 feet. I have about 20 xppro workstations per
Qestion: Should I be segmenting each building or keep everything in one
subnet? Should I have one domain for each building or just have one for all.
I was thinking of staying with one subnet and domain but have a 2003 server
as backup domain and file print sharing at each building.
Thanks for your advice,
have three seperate buildings that is backboned with fiber at 100mb. The
longest distance is 2000 feet. I have about 20 xppro workstations per
Qestion: Should I be segmenting each building or keep everything in one
subnet? Should I have one domain for each building or just have one for all.
I was thinking of staying with one subnet and domain but have a 2003 server
as backup domain and file print sharing at each building.
Thanks for your advice,