Windows 2003 + .Net-Web Application + Oracle 8.1.7

  • Thread starter Thread starter RASTA
  • Start date Start date



i have build a .NET-web aplication using oracle db 8.1.7. via oledb.

on my testserver - win2000 server - all works fine

but on my real server - win2003 server - i get a error, means he cant
find the connection or database provider.

i have installed oracle net8-client on it and test it with a desktop
application whos working.

for the "iusr_" - i gave full access-rights to the oracle-path and
administrator-rights.... but no solve

any suggestion?




True if Microsoft Word automatically converts a word with
only one suggestion during conversion between hangul
and hanja. Read/write Boolean.
If permissions indeed are the issue here you have to grant the access to the
"Network Service" user since you're running under Win2003. ASPNET is used
under Win2000.

"Mateus Padovani Velloso" <Mateus Padovani
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
hello, thanks for answers...

we give full access-right to "iusr" --
reboot -- and it is running!!

we take it away -- reboot -- and its still running

thank you very much!!!!

bst regards



True if Microsoft Word automatically converts a word with
only one suggestion during conversion between hangul
and hanja. Read/write Boolean.