Windows 2003 and Adaptec 39320A

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date



I'm having real problems installing Windows 2003 on a server with an Adaptec

The hardware is:

Tyan Tiger Motherboard,
Dual Athalon Processors
Adaptec 39320A Hostraid Enabled Controller
Two IBM Ultrastor Scsi320 150Gb Drives.

So far I have enabled Automatic termination, set the terminate power jumper
on the second drive, set the ID on both, and created a bootable mirror with
the Adaptec Controller BIOS.

When setting up Windows 2003 server I am specifying the Adaptec Hostraid
U320 1.02 driver for Windows2000/2003/XP. Occasionally it hangs when 'Setup
is Starting Windows', sometimes it will continue through, allow me to create
partitions and copy files etc. But then it will hang on the reboot at the
'Windows 2003 Server' screen with the revolving blip.

It could be the cable, or a faulty card but unfortunately I don't have
replacements available at the moment.

Is there something else I'm doing wrong?

The first thing to confirm is if it is the controller / drive / driver combo
that is causing issue or perhaps something else. I would download and run
memtest86 to confirm that the memory config is correct.

Perhaps try an install to and IDE or SATA drive as a second test (or use a
boot CD such as one of the Ultimate Boot CD's or others just to fire up an
OS). If you get the system installed, run prime95 torture test to confirm
hardware stability.

Check your PSU ratings - add up the amps loading for each voltage line on
the PSU and ensure that the PSU has an adequate rating. Perhaps you have a
high quality PSU, but many are trash and the manufacturers over rate them.
If you suspect the latter, try removing all unnecessary peripherals to see
if the system stabilises. Check the voltages in the BIOS to confirm they are
within 5% - consider using a DVM to double check.

I'd try a test install on a drive in a non-raid config. This will remove
some doubt about the controller, termination, drives and driver.

It may be a good idea to do an F8 boot and use the option to display the
boot progress (is there a boot log option still?). You will then see if the
system is failing loading a specific driver.

I assume (never assume) that you understand termination correctly and where
termination should occur IE at the physical extremes of the cable - these
days I believe that active terminators that plug into the ends of the cable
are the usual method. It has been some time since I have built a SCSI
systems, but the trend seems to be towards active terminators on the end of
the physical cable... check the manual and google if in doubt about

Failing all that, post back with progress / observations etc.

- Tim

Memory checked OK, hardware too. Did a quick install to an IDE drive.
That was OK.

Started to look at the SCSI hardware and found the terminator was faulty.

New terminator in place it's working fine now.
