windows 2000


Glen Darragh

I Have recently set up a network giving the server the default ip to enable ICS or so i thought the problem is that when i set the
other pcs to obtain i lose them on the network.
I have to set each pc to a manual ip Eg
workgroups are all the same all pcs are win 2000
the network structure is fine but i would like to have ICS.
I think the problem is that the server (which is a win2000 based machine) is
not DHCP ing
Please Help

Mahmood Ali

You have to set up ICS by clicking on the checkbox for "enable internet
connection sharing" which is available on the advanced tab of your internet
connction. This will automatically set its IP to

The clients will have to be set up to obtain IP through DHCP

Glen Darragh

I Have done this but when i set the workstaion to obtain ip and type
ipconfig all i get is 0000000's it seems that the server is not broadcating.

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